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(NAHHH BRO- why my writing was so shitty? 💀, Well forget about it! So uh- hi, I'm not 100% back, but just lazy to keep writing, but for some reason I just wanted to make an ACTUAL good chapter, so uh- enjoy? Btw, my native language is not English, so sorry for any mistake of mine.)


(Your P.O.V)

Ugh... my head, the hell is hurting so much- oh yeah, so much crying from the last night, well, could have been worse. I feel my body wanting to stay on bed and keep sleeping all day, but the sun rays hit my eyes through my curtain while I lay my head on the pillow, feeling like a movie scene, I couldn't help but smile at the though of those cliches waking up scenes happening to me somehow, silly... even tho, pretty cool. I sighed and stretched as I sat up on bed, rubbing my eyes and looking around, I just let out a groan at the thought of needing to interact to people today, I mean- is that really necessary? Eugh- so useless... I just accept my fate and get out from bed, walking towards by closet and opening the door, seeing the mess I was in the full body mirror at the closet door.

"Damn... I wake up like a disney princess, but my look is the same as a trash can." I just groan and grabbed some random thing to wear, not caring if I was looking fancy or not, after all, it was just another day in my life with a random job... getting payed by- forget it, I don't even want to remember his name. I close the door and started to head to the bedroom door, opening it, getting out and meeting myself with the empty corridors. I took a deep breath and started to walk towards the Kitchen, I was all alone, or at the least, for now, but I don't really mind, is nice to have your own thoughts on mind, until they become intrusive thoughts- but I'll forget that for now.

I finally reached the Kitchen, it was clean like yesterday, I think Ms. Beakly cleaned for me... well, need to thank that angel of a lady later! It's not easy to be an maid like her. I just shrugs and went towards the fridge, grabbing two eggs and closing the fridge, then putting the eggs on the counter as I grabbed the other ingredients, flour and sugar, as I mix them and started making pancake, the smell of fresh food coming up in the air as I smed, feeling so reliefed. I putted the food on the kids plates, then at Donald's plate, when I was done, I walked over to the kitchen, since I was at the dinning room, and then I started to do the dishes.

When everything was done, I walked up towards the stairs, going up towards the kids bedroom. As I finally arrived there, I knocked on the door and sighed. "Kids, I made pancakes, wake up already!" I called, but no answer... weird, usually they answer in groan in response. I open the door slightly and looked at the beds, made up, clean room, and no sight of those kids. I quickly turned around and started to run towards Scrooge's office, knocking aggressively on the door, hearing a sigh from the other side of the door as it open wide, Scrooge standing there looking quite annoyed, but when he saw me, he looked relieved.

"Ah, lass! How good to-" I quickly interrupt him, no time to chat. "Where the kids are at?!" I asked, my eyes wide as I felt the adrenaline and panic run through my body. "Oh? The kids? They are in a small adventure with Beakly, they'll be back by the weekend." Out with Beakly? Really? So I made four plates with pancakes for nothing? Great... just great. "Well... warned me sooner, I made four plates of pancakes for nothing." I said, pissed as I storm off his office, walking towards the kitchen, but then I heard him calling me. "Ya' know lass... you don't need to throw the breakfast away, keep one plate for me, I'll eat your food, I just ask for some tea, and please, try to clean the most of the center of the mansion and the kitchen, along the dinning room, I'll have a friend over." Friend over? Eh, weird... but alright, as long he's paying. "No problemo boss." I said as I walked away to the kitchen I go.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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