Y/n Route: Test Against The White Devil (part 2)

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The 3 young men stand there with fear written upon their faces. The Gundam had been impressive but the Rx-93 V Gundam might as well be considered a whole new type of mech. A Gundam made for Amuro Ray specifically, matching his every configuration.

The Unicorn Gundam slowly turns his head towards Kaizer, initiating for Y/n to get in the Com Link's from Banagher.
"Y/n, your Kaizer is stronger than the V Gundam right? Can't you just land a good blow?"

Y/n's sweat roll's down his face, not wanting to answer Opening question. "Shit, shit, shit... The V gundam? How am I supposed to keep track with that?"

Thinking to himself, Y/n is unable to come up with a solution. Having no other choice but to tell the truth to Banagher. "Look... Kaizer is strong but I'm not... Damn! Tetsuya was right! I can't keep up with someone like Amuro Ray, so Kaizer's power is all but useless!"

"Damn" Banagher grunts at Y/N's response

The Evangelion walks up behind the other two. The Com links opening up for the Evangelion, connecting her to the other Units.

"What if We all stayed next to each other covering each others back? Sosuke- I mean, Amuro said we just have to beat him! After-all we already failed the test!" Shinji says trying to raise his friends moral.

The 3 men run together towards the V Gundam, each pulling out a melee weapon. The Ganzanto sword, Beam saber and Progressive Knifes.

The V Gundam however just stands there without a care in the world. Amuro smiles a little at the amusing site. "It's as if you all share a single braincell!"

6 Flying projectiles fly suddenly around the group and shoot fast lasers at the 3 breaking apart their formation.

Banagher remembers what they are, and signals to his friend's to warn them. "It's the Nu Gundam's Fin Funnels! CRAP!"

The At field activates over and over at the dozen's of lasers shooting all around them. Eventually a laser hits the Eva's lower legs causing Shinji to ounce in pain and fall to his knees.

Then in a faster than you can see motion, the V Gundam suddenly appears behind the Evangelion with his Beam Saber equipped.

"Kaizer's armor is too strong for a Beam saber, and your Barrier Shinji can cover the other two so you're the best target to go for Shinji!"

"SHIT! SHINJI!" Both Banagher and Y/n yell

The Beam Saber slashes the Evangelion's left arm completely off. The limb falls down and hits the ground.

Shinji yells in agony. The worst part of the Eva? The pilot feels everything it feels.
"GUUUUAAAHHHHH!" Shinji's screams can be heard from what seems to a couple Kilometers.

Then a large round house kick to the face sends the Eva Flying. The Eva is knocked out and Shinji's down.

Banagher and Y/n stand there in shock, mouths open and Gaping.
The V Gundam slowly turns around to the other two units, his eyes glow as a sign of intimidation.

Y/n's mind spin's over and over, at this point given up all hope. "Is this it? Those damn funnels... they're like sulet"- something in Y/N's mind suddenly clicks like flicking a light bulb.
"They're like Aerials! And those have a big weakness. They're stuck where they are when they fire!"

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