War crimes... or is it??

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Major Pekora Usada is a good soldier.

That's what I thought as she poisoned the water supply of a city that had a garrison of enemy forces. Thanks to that tactic, it was easy to siege and seize it and urban warfare was minimal.

She's also someone who is a great negotiator.

We once captured the command center of an army and she gave a lot of effort to avoid killing as many of them, especially since some of them were among the higher-ups. Because of that, the survivors were captured and with her command, they gave vital information after a few of them died from starvation, hypothermia, internal bleeding, and other injuries during their stay in our negotiators' division that Major Pekora handpicked. I heard she was the one who made a VIP finally give up and cooperate after showing him his family. It was a rough mission to kidnap them from behind enemy lines but it showed that she greatly trusted me and the others.

Her courage is also one of the greatest if not the greatest in the whole of Pekoland.

In one of the battles, she was the only survivor with the highest rank and so, she had to take charge of a division. The battle was supposedly hopeless but she didn't back out and continued fighting. Fortunately, reinforcements arrived in time before our forces died out in the battle or before they were executed for attempted desertion.

As I've said before, Major Pekora Usada is a good soldier. All she did was follow orders and execute whatever objective was thrown at her.

The way she laughed as she massacred the enemies kept our morale high. Her loud and excited voice as she told us to do what we were supposed to do made us think that we were fighting for Pekoland's best interests, for our future, and for a world where war would no longer exist.

People may call her a war criminal, the Rabid Rabbit, and whatever slanderous titles but for me, Major Pekora will always be the hero who tries her best. They do tend to misunderstand her. She does have a misleading face that laughs that concerning laugh as she fires her guns and releases explosives.

When I first met her, I was a simple cadet, about to be put through a special acceleration program that she created. I was among those who passed her screening and deemed fit to be part of that program.

That's when I saw her true personality.

The special program lasted only a month. It was really unheard of since the quickest accelerated training lasted nine months. And yet, all sixty of us became the feared Pekoland Army 112th Special Forces. From days of marching to live-round exercises to survival with no supplies, there were many times I found myself almost crossing to the other side.

But soon enough, the one-month accelerated program ended and we were officially part of her special force. It was then that I found out that Major Pekora received orders to create her own troops and must return as soon as possible to the field. The war was getting worse and there were signs that other countries would join against us. That's when I realized that she was just following orders.

"Private Moona Hoshinova. Welcome to the Pekoland Army 112th Special Forces. You, despite being put in horrible situations, have fulfilled your orders and trained properly. You're going to be a good soldier."

A good soldier follows orders.

She always said that while we were on the front lines.

That's what she truly is: a good soldier who follows orders.

As more and more countries declared war against us, more and more tasks got sent to the 112th Special Forces. Securing supply lines, attacking refugee caravans that hid some soldiers, fighting from one front to another, burning down a city that had important ammunition factories... We did them all for we were good soldiers following orders.

Pekora was a war criminal, peko!!! (April Fool's Special)Where stories live. Discover now