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Days turned into weeks, and Y/n found herself in a painful routine. She was only allowed to meet Kiwi during feeding times, those brief moments where she could hold her precious baby close and cherish the connection they shared. Each feeding became a sacred time for her, a chance to shower Kiwi with all the love she had, despite the constraints placed upon her.

Katsuki's presence loomed over every interaction, his watchful eyes never leaving Y/n and Kiwi. Even when he had to leave for hero duties, he made sure there was always someone else present, never allowing Y/n to be alone with their child.

It was a suffocating existence, the constant reminder of the fractured relationship between her and Katsuki. Every time she looked into Kiwi's innocent eyes, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness and longing for the family they could have been.

But despite the circumstances, Y/n remained strong. She made the most out of every feeding time, showering Kiwi with kisses and whispers of love. She would sing lullabies and tell him stories, cherishing every precious moment they had together.

As the days passed by, Y/n noticed how Kiwi would smile and coo in response to her voice, his tiny hands reaching out to grasp her fingers. It was these small moments of connection that kept her going, the love between mother and child shining through despite the obstacles in their path.

But the constant presence of Katsuki was a reminder of the fragile balance they lived in. She knew she had to tread carefully, to abide by his rules if she wanted to continue seeing Kiwi.

Despite her best efforts to make the most of the precious moments with Kiwi during feeding times, the absence of love and warmth from Katsuki weighed heavily on her heart.

She longed for a touch, a glance, even a fleeting moment of tenderness from Katsuki, but it never came.

His demeanor remained cold and distant, his eyes devoid of any emotion whenever he looked at her.

It was as if she was invisible to him, nothing more than a necessity for Kiwi's care.

The lack of physical and emotional affection tore at Y/n's heart, leaving her feeling empty and unfulfilled.

As she watched Katsuki interact with Kiwi, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

He was so tender and loving towards their child, his touch gentle and his voice filled with warmth. It was a stark contrast to the coldness he showed towards her, and it only served to deepen her pain.

Y/n found herself longing for even the smallest gestures of affection from Katsuki.

A hug, a kind word, anything to remind her that she still mattered to him. But all she received in return was indifference, his focus solely on Kiwi and nothing else.

Each night, as she lay awake in bed, the ache in her heart grew stronger.But no matter how much she hoped and prayed, it seemed that Katsuki was determined to keep his distance.

And so, Y/n found herself alone in her pain, the emptiness of Katsuki's absence echoing through her soul.

She tried to push the feelings aside, to focus on being the best mother she could be to Kiwi.

But deep down, the longing for Katsuki's love and affection remained, a constant ache that refused to be ignored.

as usual she was cooking herself dinner she heard the door opening, signaling Katsuki's arrival.

But what caught her off guard was the sound of giggling, a sound that pierced through the silence of the house like a knife.

Her heart clenched in pain as she peeked from the kitchen, her eyes falling on the familiar blonde woman who had once been told to leave by Katsuki.

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