Rules that all true sparkles follow

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This is a very important page, especially if you want to become a true sparkle so here are the true sparkle 

 True sparkles have 8 main rules that they need to follow if they want to stay in the army and they follow SPARKLE

S- SUPPORT rather then hate - even if they've done bad things that doesn't give you the    right to hate back. I'm not saying go support them and say "you're a great person." I'm saying, two wrongs don't make a right. Just ban and report the person rather than spreading the negativity.

P - they're a PERSON too! - treat them how you would want to be treated, after all were all people who have emotions and a heart.

A - ADMIT to their mistakes - if I hear from another true sparkle that someone has broke a rule or done something very disturbing I would remove them from the army, however if you own up to your mistake and explain how you shouldn't have done it then there will just be a consequence for your action.

R - treat people with RESPECT- respect everyone and I'm not just talking about online, I'm saying irl too! Respect people older and younger than you and most importantly respect your family.

K - value KINDNESS - please be kind to people irl and online you never know what they're going through so it's best just to be kind to them.

L - want make wattpad actually LOVABLE -   I like wattpad as it's given me the chance to write and share my books (including this one) but it can also be very messed up. An amazing, kind person who was on wattpad helping people daily left watt pad as she was getting death threats. True sparkles want to change that and change the dark side of watt pad.

E - warn us of EVERY bad person on wattpad - we need to know who's bad on watt pad so we can all report them and spread the word to others until they're kicked of off wattpad.

I hope these rules are okay with everyone once again if anyone has a question please lmk and there's a 99% chance of me answering that question and give you a shout out on a chapter =)

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