Chapter 3: The New City of the Pegasi

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"Twilight Relocates Cloudsdale": A Historic Turning Point for Equestria

In the columns of the famous newspaper "Equestria Today", a headline in capital letters announced news of unprecedented magnitude: "Twilight relocates Cloudsdale". In it, the Princess of Friendship gave an exclusive interview to the journalist, revealing her audacious plan to move the capital of the Pegasi. The goal of Twilight Sparkle was clear: to foster unity and strengthen bonds between earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi.

"Only pegasi and alicorns can climb the clouds. Our friends on dry land cannot, today, visit their winged cousins. Thus, pegasi will no longer be forced to relocate to be closer to their earthly friends and family and unicorns" the princess said during her interview. This innovative vision aimed to break down geographical barriers and promote a more inclusive and united society.

The news spread quickly throughout Equestria like a bush fire in the middle of the forest. The collaboration between Princess Twilight Sparkle and the leaders of the city of Cloudsdale had resulted in a historic agreement! The start of work on the construction of this new city, perched on top of a mountain, was imminent, sparking unprecedented excitement among the inhabitants of Cloudsdale.

Yet, despite the general enthusiasm, some pegasus more attached to traditions expressed their disappointment with this choice. Cloudsdale had been the capital of the Pegasi for many moons, and for them, this decision represented a major upheaval in the history of their people.

"That's great," Purple Sparks exclaimed, holding up the paper in front of her brother. "Yup, but I admit I miss Cloudsdale," he replied wistfully. The two young pegasus were natives of Cloudsdale, a town that had shaped much of their childhood. Their parents, employed at the weather factory, were often absorbed in their work, leaving little time for their children, who were left to fend for themselves in the vast expanses of floating clouds.

The article revealed fascinating details about the future of Cloudsdale. The city would reinvent itself by becoming both the weather center of Equestria and the new training camp of the Wonderbolts. This new direction promised a bright future, but it was also a poignant reminder of the city's origins, where weather and aviation were intimately linked. In addition, the article mentioned the imminent transformation of the Royal Equestrian Air Force, founded by General Firefly, into the Kingdom's main military institution. This expansion would propel it to the forefront, surpassing even the Canterlot Guard barracks in size, marking a historic turning point in Equestria's military history.

For Purple and her brother, the news was both exciting and full of memories. Returning to Cloudsdale, even in a renewed form, rekindled deep feelings of belonging and nostalgia for their hometown.

Of course, the Wonderbolts would continue to shine on the Equestria stage with their passionate choreography, but a significant portion of their ranks would accentuate their role as elite aerial protectors, watching over Equestria for centuries. In the same vein, the newspaper announced the official appointment of Rainbow Dash as Captain. She would assume her duties in a few weeks, after Colonel Spitfire had completed the training of her successor.

"Here, look sister! Rainbow Dash is Captain!" Destin announced, handing the newspaper to her little sister. "You're going to be able to start your career as Wonderbolt," he added, a smile on his face. The incident at school had left a bitter taste in Purple Sparks' mouth, and she couldn't smile at the news. She knew that she would soon receive the letter of confirmation of enrollment in the Wonderbolts Academy and that she would have to fly alongside her classmates at the prestigious flight school.

A week's internship would determine her admission, or put an end to her most cherished dream in the world. "Are you okay, little sister?" asked Destin, visibly worried. Purple held her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. Every thought, every emotion, swirled in her mind. She remembered the mocking looks, the muffled whispers, the feeling of paralysis as she tried to rise into the air in front of other ponies. But despite her doubts, a glimmer of hope lit up her eyes. She turned to her brother, looking in his eyes for support and understanding she couldn't find anywhere else.

"I have to try!" she said, her voice tinged with palpable determination. Every fiber of her being vibrated with a new conviction. "I will become a Wonderbolt!" she proclaimed, the words echoing with unsuspected force as she set out for her destiny, ready to defy her fears and pursue her dream with renewed ardor.

One morning, after going to her school administration to pick up her mail, Purple saw an envelope with the Wonderbolts' seal, mailed from Cloudsdale, addressed "Purple Sparks, Rainbow Falls Co-ed School, Rainbow Falls, Equestria». The back of the letter read "Wonderbolts Academy. Admissions Department. Aerial Terrain, Cloudsdale, Equestria».

With her heart pounding, Purple Sparks gripped the envelope carefully, her hooves trembling with excitement. For a few moments she stood motionless, contemplating the object of her hopes and fears. Then, with palpable determination, she tore open the envelope and pulled out the long-awaited letter. Her eyes scanned the words quickly, absorbing each line with intense concentration.

The long-awaited confirmation was there, written in black ink on the paper: Purple Sparks was officially admitted to the Wonderbolts academy. An indescribable mixture of emotions overwhelmed her. The sheer joy of seeing her dream come true was mixed with palpable nervousness at the uncertainty of what lay ahead. But deep inside, a spark of hope shone brighter than ever, illuminating her path to the future with a promising glow. 

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