Episode 7

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I walked through the hallways of the beach ready to lounge by the pool when I heard Yasu stumble down the corridor behind me. I didn't stop to let him catch up as I knew his pace would soon match with mine as I continued towards the exit. As his feet matched mine, I spoke to him.

"Hey Yasu..."

He chuckled and bumped my shoulder with his, "Hey to you too,"

As we continued down the corridor now entering the foyer I spotted Tatta who I waved at. After the game of tag, he had made his way to the beach as was ordering under Ann for the majority of his time here (due to my input of knowing he was helpful- not that I was certain of this but I just wanted to help after not being able to in the game)

The young man eagerly waved at me and Yasu and called out "Hey guys, are you heading outside?"

He jogged up to us with a big smile gracing his features and I matched it placing my had on his shoulder once he was in front of us.

"Yeah, we were just about to go to the pool... would you like to join us Tatta?"

Whenever I said his name, it was as if I had cast some sort of spell on him and he froze with his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape looking like a goldfish. I chuckled as his cheeks flushed slightly and removed my hand from his shoulder and waved a hand in front of his face.

"Tatta? Hello...? Care to join us?"

This seemed to snap him out of it, and he shook his head before stuttering "Yes ma'am... I mean (name)..."

I rolled my eyes playfully at this and started walking away from the two boys who naturally gravitated towards each other. They followed behind like lost puppies and started up a conversation surrounding a topic I had no input for and so I stayed silent until we made it out of the building and into the fresh air and blazing sunlight.

We were just about to round the corner towards the pool when a tall figure emerged from behind the wall. Her distinctive red lip making her instantly recognisable.

"Ann how are you...?"

My question seemed to catch her off guard, but she kissed her teeth and seemed to analyse me from underneath those glasses before smiling ever so slightly.

"Fine thank you miss (name)... I hope you have been keeping well." But she didn't wait for me to answer instead turning to face my friend with the hat walking past all of us and calling out to him.

"Tatta! I need your assistance..." as I stared at her retreating figure, I eyed Tatta giving him a sad smile and mouthing goodbye as he trudged off after Ann. Just Yasu and I were left but as we stepped into the pool area my name was called once again and a strange sense of déjà vu washed over me.


I whipped my head around searching for the familiar voice and when my eyes met his I just stared with my mouth agape. He had found me... again.

Yasu looked confusedly between the two of us before leaning down to whisper in my ear "Is that the guy you were talking about?"

I nodded in response taking a few steps forwards when two other figures emerged from behind Arisu. The woman with the bob peered at me with recognition and the second figure adorned a smirk that I could recognise form a mile off. Karube...

I approached them with Yasu by my side and as I came to face them, I muttered "You guys made it..."

But the seemingly sweet reunion was cut off by Karube's instant switch of personality, his eyes darkened and his brows furrowed "You just left... without saying anything. We almost died; you could have died..."

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