No Ones Seen The Farmer??

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The people of Stardew were starting to believe that the new farmer ended up not coming to the valley after all. The mayor had said that he would be here on the first day of spring, but it was currently the 6th day of spring and no one has heard from him. The mayor insists that he has arrived, but word was spreading around town already. The small town life was good for that, gossiping. Especially about anything new. And that new farmer boy was new.

At the saloon, a few residents of the took part in some afternoon drinking, talking about the events that unfolded in the duration of the week. In a booth in the corner, a lively bunch sat eating a pizza with a round of beers and club sodas. A blonde, Sam, had his mother stuffed with pizza and the woman besides him was talking with the man sitting opposite of them.

"My dad was thrilled that i would be rummaging around the old farmhouse anymore now that the new farmer kid is running the place." Abigail, the woman with purple hair explained to Sebastian. "I was going to go climb some of those trees and find owl pelts."

Sebastian grabbed his mug of beer and took a long sip. "Oh yeah that farmer. Have you guys met him yet? My mom showed him to the farm house but that's really all anyone's seen of him." He sets his mug down. " I'm not even sure what he looks like. I hope he isn't another old country bumpkin like the last one."

Sam, finally piping up from his pizza, kicked Sebastian's leg from under the table. "Mr. Adams was a really nice guy! Just because you don't like getting your knees dirty doesn't mean the people who do are bad." Sebastian huffed while Sam smirked.

"But yeah, i have been pretty curious about the farmer." Sam drags his club soda closer to him and leans to take a sip from a straw. "Hopefully he'll come around and introduce himself. It's a small town, should be an easy task."

Abigail chuckled at that, " Ha yeah, I could talk to everyone within a couple hours."

The group goes back to visiting and talking about random topics, the farmer complete out of their mind when the said farmer finally makes an appearance to the public.

Not a single person noticed however. Harper walked  into the saloon with a backpack-filled with a random assortment of seeds- flung across his built shoulder. Harper was a big muscled dude, but he wasn't very skrawny either. He was more lean muscle rather than bulk. However you could most definitely tell that he was definitely fit.

He walked up to the bar and took a seat of to the side. It was a moment or two before Gus, the owner of the saloon, noticed the new face. "I'll be right with you, sir." He then turned to lady behind the bar with him if she could finish up what he was doing. Emily (Harper overheard Gus mentioning it with his request) happily nodded, and Gus made his way over.

"Hi! My name is Gus, i'm the owner of this very Saloon! How can I help you this evening?" His smile was warm and big, it made Harper feel not as intimidated as he previously was.

"Howdy! It's nice to meet you, I'm Harper-Ray Adams. I'm the new farmer over at Jade-Ray." Harper stuck his hand out for Gus to shake. Gus shook it with pride. "Harper-Ray! I've been meaning to introduce myself sooner. How are you taking up the farm? Your granddaddy was a really good man." He leaned his arm against the bar, "i only knew the man about a year before he passed on, though i can see his kindness in you." Gus smiled.

Harper smiled right back at him. " I appreciate that! It was a rough start that i had imagined it to be... let's just say I could tell that the farm wasn't in use for ten years." Harper laughed, Gus joining him.

The saloon wasn't quite, by no means; however it wasn't real loud either. The two men laughing had caught the ear of the people in the saloon, stealing their attention onto them. When Harper noticed this, he looked around, making eye contact with people as he did, and started to slowly shrink into himself.

"Harper-Ray don't fret about these guys. This town is full of a bunch of nice people, you're just new. They're gonna look at the farmer who disappeared for a week." Harper chuckled at this, and sat up straighter.

"That's what i get for cleaning up the hold farm house a little, ain't it?" Harper moved that stand up. " I'll be sure to introduce myself to some people before I leave." Harper stood and reached to give Gus another handshake, "Thanks for being a friend tonight! I'll be sure to give some of my best crops to you for your dishes!" He beamed as Gus returned the handshake. "Countin on it!"

With that, Harper turned and quickly observed the people in the saloon.

Thank God, he thought. There was Lewis, a familiar face. Harper walked up to him, seeing he was with another person. 'She looks nice' he thought.

"Harper-Ray!" Lewis exclaimed, and motioned Harper to come closer to the table. "Marnie, this here is Harper-Ray! This is Jeremy's grandson. Yknow, the new farmer?" Harper moved to greet Marnie. " It's nice to meet you! Sorry i haven't really been 'round, the farm house is a offense Lewis" Marnie laughed at this. "Hello! I'm glad i can finally put a face to the infamous new farmer, Harper-Ray!"

Harper chuckled at this, "I won't be hidin' in my rabbit hole anymore! And please, call me Harper. You too, Lewis. Harper-Ray sounds like i'm in trouble."

The three conversed for a while, talking about plans for the farm, animals and barns, and about everything that is coming up for the season. When it was well into the night, Harper had to close the conversation so that he could make the long trek home and get to bed at a reasonable hour.

"It was nice meeting you Harper!" Said Marnie. Harper waved the two goodbye, and took his leave. Stepping out of the hot saloon into the fresh crisp cool night air felt good on Harper's skin. He stood and took a deep breath before expelling it. His eyes remained closed, so you could say he was startled (at the least) when he heard someone say, "nice night, right?"

'There goes me going home' Harper thought to himself, oh well, what's a few more minutes right?

Harper opened his eyes to a... 'wow'

There was a man in front of him. Harper was not the tallest guy around, around 5'9. The man in front of him stood a few inches taller than him. 6ft. He had his hair parted the the side, grown out from a previous haircut but it looks well on him. 'No.. it looked hot on him' (Harper is a very very gay man)

He had glasses that framed his face, the frames complimenting his brown eyes. Harper looked away. 'oh my yoba he has a mustache, why is he hot what'

Although he was panicking extremely on the inside, he's outward expression never faultered. "It's a nice night out!" He smiled and turned the the man. "So uh... I'm Harper! Uh Harper-Ray Adams. The new farmer. It's really nice to meet you."

The man extended his hand out to Harper, "Harvey. It's a pleasure to meet you finally. I am the towns doctor."

Harper eagerly shakes Harvey's hand, already being awkward. "It's nice to meet your Harvey!" Harper smiled then very quickly faultered. "Oh shoot I already said that didn't I.... Harper oh my yoba you couldn't be any more awkward??" Harper quickly said to himself. Harvey just chuckled softly and smiled at him. "Stop by the clinic whenever you need, it's right besides Pierre's General Store, alright?"

" Alright!" Harper was loosing his mind.

" Alright," Harvey smiles moved to leave to the clinic," Have a good rest of your evening, Harper." And with that he left. Harper stood there, 'oh man should i go home now??'

With that thought, he immediately shuddered.

" No... never mind" And he set off for the farm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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