Chapter 2

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       Chelsea woke up outside as she looked around she noticed she wasn't in her own room anymore she was inside her game. She looked around and all she can see was sunny skies and various houses in a neighborhood.
"Where am I which world am I in" was her thoughts going inside her own mind. Suddenly she saw someone coming her way as the person waved she came closer and closer as she stood above Chelsea as she looked up. "Sul sul" as the person waved as Chelsea was confused she waved back "sul sul". The person laughed at Chelsea "I'm just kidding hehe I never seen you before you must be new in this game" as the person was smiling she put her hand out waiting to help Chelsea up.
"Wait you can talk my language but you're a simulation or sim for short" as Chelsea asked the person. Afterwards the person looked at Chelsea confused as she tilted her head to the side "sim... I never heard of that saying your in the real world". Now Chelsea was confused she scratched the back of her head "no your a game I don't know how I came but your a game character this world is a game your people are just pixelated dollhouses with dolls. And who are you."
"Sorry about that how rude of me I'm summer holiday ta-da and you are" as summer looked away trying to cover her face in embarrassment. "I'm Chelsea like I said I don't know how I came here one minute I was on my computer and now I'm here." Chelsea quickly got up from the ground. "Where am I"
Summer holiday looked back at Chelsea as she spoke "your in willow creek of course so your saying you came from the outside which is outside this game?".
Chelsea nodded her head "yes I exist outside this game". "So this is why we have no control over ourselves so you mean to tell me you control us?"
Chelsea nodded again "yes." Summer was surprised at the reply of the conversation she was silent for a couple more minutes until she spoke "so that explains the whole unexplained building of the unknown". I looked up at her confused "unexplained building? Of what?" .
"Maybe I should tell you when your ready but let's enjoy this day"

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