Chapter 42: Archivist

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Temptest stood, afraid, as Optimus guided her servo into the brightness of his spark chamber. His digits were gentle all the way to their destination, where he wrapped her servo around the matrix of leadership.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

She took a moment to resync her processor and calm down. The last time they had been in this position wasn't nearly as relaxing. By putting the matrix in her possession, detached from himself, Optimus was handing her his entire soul. Every memory he had and every part of himself aside from the memories attached solely to his spark.

How could someone ever be ready to hold something so precious?

"I don't want to hurt you," Temptest told him.

"You won't," he assured her. "You couldn't if you tried."

Optimus began to retract their servos, gently pulling the matrix away, and it suddenly went dark. Optimus's optics flickered and he stumbled back, his servos slipping away from her frame. He landed softly on the berth and moaned quietly.

After a moment, he sat up and looked at her, the same innocent, confused expression on his face. It sent a pang of hurt through her spark. He winced.

"Hello?" he asked, looking at the matrix. "This is happening again?"

Temptest looked at the matrix, worried he would think she was a criminal because she kept taking the matrix out of him. "Um, yes. Optimus, uh, he wanted me to meet you."

"Optimus Prime, right?" Orion questioned. "I should assume he's usually the guy wearing my body, right?"


Orion shook his helm. "Well, at least you're the first person to give me a straight answer about that. Between Megatronus, Starscream, the organic thing, the second Megatronus, and Ratchet, I was getting confused."

Temptest sat down in Optimus's chair. "Yeah... Sorry about that."

Orion looked around. "So, what exactly is going on?"

"Errr..." Temptest pursed her derma. "Do you really want to know? It sucks."

Orion gave her a look. "I'm an archivist... usually. Knowledge is never a bad thing."

Temptest laughed. "I would have to disagree."

"Facts never hurt anyone," Orion frowned. "People just used those facts the wrong way. I doubt I could do anything bad if I wanted to. I'd just like to know what everyone else thinks is common knowledge."

"There's a war," Temptest informed him. "Megatron and you, Optimus, have been fighting each other for a very long time. Cybertron is dead. Uh, we're on Earth. The organics are called humans. They're usually nice. We know a few of them."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense with what I keep onlining to." Orion took a minute to internalize that before nodding in understanding. "Well, what do you want to know?"

Temptest considered the question. "I think Optimus wanted to know about you. He said he'd like to have met you."

"I see," Orion blushed. "I don't know what to tell him about that. I mean, what are you supposed to say to a Prime?"

Temptest laughed. "I remember being awed by him too. He is amazing. You'd love him. He is very calm, collected, considerate. Kind too. Sometimes it blows my mind how he acts."

"You really like him?" Orion asked. "Is that why he wanted you to meet me? Are you both trying to sparkbond?"

Temptest felt her fans kick on. "No! I just— we're friends. I don't think Primes have sparkmates."

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