Don't Die On Me

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Continuing The Previous Chapter

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Continuing The Previous Chapter

We were now on our way back home, we just collected the car from our grandpa, I was driving the mark x and my mom was driving the mercedes, we were in traffic

"Big Saturday, uno pack pan road" I complained

"Uno nav wife an pitney fi go home to" I said kissing my teeth

Den nuh go home dem a go home my subconscious said

Gweh nuh

Driving through the green light, I hear a truck horn I look quickly, I see a truck coming straight on to me, before I could act, the truck came slamming into the side of the car, flipping it over cause me to panick

I unbuckle my seatbelt, trying to come out, blood coming from my head draining in my eyes causing my vision to get blurry, I couldn't get out, hearing my mom, I look at see her, eyes glossy, she was in panic mode

I don't her to worry cause she's pregnant

"Can you get out baby" my mom asked

"No mom" i answered back

"Grab my hand mama" she said, I grabbed her hand, she pulled me out, the glass scraping along my thigh as she pulled me out

"Ouch" i said

"Come baby" she said helping me up

Hearing an ambulance, she quickly tapped on me

"Help is here, come hun" she said, a paramedic came with a stretcher, my mom helping me, they got me in the ambulance my mom following behind, feeling my eyes closing, i hear my mom scream out

"Don't Die on me" she said, I could feel her shaking me, but my eyes just wouldn't open


Hearing cries, my eyes shot open, i look around the room, i see my mom

"Mom?" I said, rubbing my temples, i had a bad headache

"My baby" my mom ran to me

"She's awake" my mom shouted, the nurse walking up to me

"Hi hun, im Nurse Atkinson" the nurse said


"How are you feeling?" She asked

"I'm ok, just a bad headache " i said

"Ok, are feeling anything like chest pain?" She asked

"No ma'am, just a headache"

"Alright hun" she said writing down something in a book

'Mommy, a wah happen" i asked my mom, being confused of why i was in the hospital

"So we were on our way back home from your grandpa, and you got in an accident, it was a truck that hit you, he ran the stoplight and slammed into you" she explained


"Im just glad you're ok" she said, engulfing me in a hug

A goodly all gas truck, dem cah drive🙄
Good good mark x mash up to rass😭😭


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