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noah carried the final box across the apartment's threshold and closed the door with his foot. he dramatically dropped the box to the ground and let out an exasperated sigh. he despised move-in day; he couldn't fathom why the university required students to move all their belongings out every summer, only to have them move back in just three months later. he had already made eight trips up the stairs, which was about six too many in his opinion.

to make matters worse, the elevator had miraculously stopped functioning right before he arrived, leaving him no choice but to haul everything up the stairs without any assistance whatsoever.

in all honesty, noah knew he was being dramatic. his apartment was only one floor up, and he had encountered others along the way who were lugging their belongings all the way up to the fourth floor. compared to them, he had it easy. however, the residents on the ground floor still had it better.

he looked around his apartment, taking in the familiar sights, sounds, and smells. it was exactly as he had left it - the same four walls he had lived within for the past two years. the kitchen was right by the front door, which opened into the open-concept living room. his and his roommate's rooms were situated on opposite sides.

"aye, you finally finished?" jordan asked, appearing from the doorway into his room and coming into the entryway where noah's boxes cluttered their way to the kitchen.

jordan carter was noah's roommate and best friend. okay, maybe he was his only friend, but he was a pretty great person.

he was a tall, hazel-eyed dread-head with a chiseled jaw and locs that were always on par with his cleanliness. the pair had spent the past two years playing college hockey together as part of the bears at the university of california.

noah had met jordan at this very apartment on move-in day two years ago, and was immediately bristled by his model-like appearance and never-ending optimism. it didn't take long for him to realize that jordan was annoyingly lovable and a fierce friend.

most people were quick to judge noah when he first arrived in california, what with his colorful use of language and the array of tattoos on his arms. but jordan saw past his exterior and opened him up in ways that still shocked him to this day.

he had fully intended on doing the lone wolf thing during college; to keep his head down and just play hockey. he had been all but friendless growing up in the shittiest neighborhood of portland chasing his hockey dreams -- he never needed nor wanted them. but to noah's surprise, the two had bonded quite quickly, and jordan soon become one of the few people that he would trust with his life.

"no, i'm not done, and thanks so much again for the help, dumb bitch," noah quipped, rolling his eyes when he saw the smug look on jordan's face.

"why would i help you when i have my own boxes to carry and unpack?" jordan asked defensively, "how does that make any sense?"

noah chuckled as he walked away to open the door to his bedroom and dropped the box on the floor, kicking it to the far end near his bed. this had been his room for the past two years -- this small, kind of narrow space that he filled with tonka posters and not much else. it wasn't much, but it was definitely more than the one he'd grown up in.

the queen-sized bed was placed in the left corner below the window, taking up most of the space. noah nearly fainted when he saw it for the first time. it was so big, and the mattress as feathery soft as a cloud.

the closet was across from the bed, right next to a door that led off into his bathroom which had caused him to almost faint a second time.

"wanna fight?" noah asked as he walked out of his room, stopping in front of jordan to raise his eyebrows suggestively.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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