Chapter 3: Trust

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As the final bell of the day rang out, signaling the end of classes, Daou and Offroad found themselves walking out of school together, their newfound friendship blossoming amidst the backdrop of the bustling schoolyard. With each step, they exchanged tentative smiles and quiet conversation, their words a delicate dance of vulnerability and connection.

As they neared the school gates, Offroad's expression shifted, a flicker of worry crossing his features as he glanced at his watch. His mother, who usually picked him up from school, was running late from work, leaving Offroad stranded without a ride home. Sensing his friend's unease, Daou extended a friendly offer "N'Offroad want a ride?", suggesting that Offroad join him for a ride on his motorcycle.
At first, Offroad hesitated, his natural inclination to avoid inconveniencing others warring with his curiosity and desire for adventure. But before he could decline, Diamond appeared at his side, offering to give him a ride home with his dad. Grateful for the offer, Offroad began to apologize to Daou, ready to walk away and accept Diamond's help. But Daou wasn't ready to let him go just yet. With a pleading look in his eyes and a gentle grip on Offroad's hand, he implored, "Please come with me." Caught off guard by the sincerity in Daou's voice, Offroad hesitated for a moment before finally agreeing, giving Daou the chance he so earnestly sought.

As they approached Daou's motorcycle, Offroad couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves in his chest. He had never been on a motorcycle before, and the thought of riding through the streets with the wind in his hair sent a thrill of excitement mingled with apprehension coursing through his veins. As Daou climbed onto the bike, Offroad awkwardly followed suit, his movements stiff and uncertain. Sensing Offroad's unease, Daou offered reassurance, instructing him to hold onto him tightly. Confused by the instruction, Offroad hesitated for a moment before tentatively wrapping his arms around Daou's waist, his heart racing as he felt the warmth of Daou's body against his own.

As they set off into the quiet streets, the first drops of rain began to fall, casting a gentle veil of mist over the world around them. Offroad directed Daou through the winding roads of the town, his voice soft and steady as he guided them towards his home. Finally, they arrived at a quaint little house nestled amidst a canopy of trees, the rain beginning to fall in earnest now, drumming against the pavement in a soothing rhythm. Offroad thanked Daou for the ride, preparing to bid him farewell and retreat into the safety of his home. But as Daou made to leave, Offroad found himself hesitating. What if the rain grew heavier on the way? What if Daou got caught in the storm? With a sudden burst of courage, Offroad reached out, grasping Daou's shoulder and meeting his gaze with a silent plea. "P'Daou Come inside..." he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper, as the first rumble of thunder echoed in the distance.

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