Pennywise x reader fluff

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Request from Quotev

(They/Them pronouns)



You stared down at the empty concealer bottle sitting on your porch. The top was completely missing, leaving the residue hard and crusted around the bottle.

You looked around for any sign of life before leaning over and picking it up. You brought it inside with you but you knew better than to throw it away.

You walked through your living room to reach your bed room. The walls of every room in your house were littered with shelves full of miscellaneous items much like the one in your hand.

When this first started, you had the trinkets placed all together in an unorganized manner. But as your "collection" grew, you began organizing it. Beauty products (used or not) went in your room, papers such as pages from books and newspapers were hung up in the bathroom, there were a few dolls that sat together on shelves in your living room.

And balloons, they were scattered around the house.

Some balloons were real and fell to the floor to slowly deflate (and when they did they were placed on a shelf) while others continued to float for years on end.

To most people you'd look like a hoarder. But these items held some sort of significance to you.

Once you placed the old concealer container on one of your many shelves you began to get dressed. Anything but Pajamas would do. Not that you or it cared, but you didn't need to bring unnecessary attention to yourself while walking to the sewer.

Once dressed, you began your journey to the sewer.

It was a quick walk that you had taken many times. If someone were to ask, it was because a stray dog lived near there that you wanted to ensure was safe.

The sewer was wet and dark as usual. The smell was rancid as always, but you had grown to ignore the stench. You didn't have to smell it for long anyway.

You of course knew where you were going, but even if you didn't you had a guide. The sweet smell of sugary cotton candy was present in the air, becoming more and more dominant over the sewer stench as you made your way closer to the middle of the sewer. It beckoned you like a siren's sound.

So like anyone else, you followed it. Unlike anyone else however, you felt at ease.

After a bit of walking you stumbled upon exactly what you were looking for.

It was a large nest of sorts, made from soft materials like blankets, random clothing items, and even a large mattress at the bottom that drowned in said blankets and random clothing items.

From what you could see, no one was in the area with you. You knew that to be false however.

"Penny?" You called out loudly. You knew not to get your hopes up for an answer, it was usually fifty-fifty. Sometimes he'd appear out of thin air and other time...


Hands gripped your legs, arms, and neck as you jumped. Seven of them to be exact. They forced you in your place as the owner of the deep voice from behind you giggled in your ear.

You let out a small chuckle after the initial scare, "Hello Penny"

With those words, you were released by five of the hands. The last two left on you gripped your hips softly before forcing you to turn around. You were greeted with all too familiar large, sharp teeth shaped into a smile.

You were quickly pulled into a tight hug of sorts. Your face was pressed uncomfortably against his dirty white costume and his long arms were awkwardly wrapped around you. Pennywise didn't fully understand the concept of embracing another, but he understands that humans craved it to an extent.

The hugs were always uncomfortably long, not that you minded necessarily.

Once released from the long hug, you were pulled into the makeshift nest. Only then were you able to fully look at him for the first time that day. Of course, nothing changed. He never really shifted to anything else around you. He just stayed looking like the tall, uncanny clown.

"I got your present" You told him as you got comfortable in your nest, "Thank you"

His slit like pupils expanded ever so slightly as he leaned down to get closer to you, "And did you like it?"

No, not really. But like most presents, it was the thought that counted.

"I love all the gifts you get me, that one included" you reassured him, "that's why I keep them all"

He perked up at that, something about what you said had... excited him? At least that's what you thought, it was hard to determine what he could feel and what he couldn't.

Without warning, he stood up. You looked up at his tall figure as he petted your head much like you would a dog and walked out of the nest.

"Stay" he commanded before disappearing before your eyes.

You blinked before snuggling back into the comforting mass of cloth and going on your phone. Nobody but the eldritch clown himself knew how long it would take him.

It didn't long, though you didn't have a measure for how long he was supposed to take. He appeared right in front of you holding a present box. It was well wrapped, like something you'd see in a movie and adorned a large red bow on top.

You took the present box with a small smile as the large creature sat down next to you. He sat crisscrossed with his hands in his lap like a child.

You peeled into the colorful wrapping paper and gently set the bow aside. Underneath the paper was a dirty cardboard box, most likely stolen from a recycling bin or off the street. Once you opened the box you were greeted with an interesting (for lack of better words) present.

A long, pink acrylic nail sat at the very bottom. It was big enough for your thumb and you wouldn't be surprised if this came directly off of a human.

You grabbed it slowly and turned it around. Sure enough there was a broken, bloody nail attached to the underside, clearly ripped off recently.

"Oh! This is new...I'm not sure what I'm going to put this with..."

This wasn't the first time you have been gifted with something from a human, whether it be flesh, bones, or hair, but you kept all of that in the sewers with him. After a brief explanation on why you couldn't keep human remains I. Your house, he was happy to put them on display around your nest.

"I'll have to start a new shelf I suppose..." You muttered to yourself, "thank you"

you pocketed the nail and promised to display it in your house before laying down next to him.

While you weren't sure if he was capable of feeling love, he definitely made sure you felt loved with his gifts.


Y/n: Watcha got there..?

Pennywise: *holding an ostrich out to them* A gift.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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