5: It Has Begun...

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You want to say that you and Napstablook became friends fast, but the unfortunate truth is that you haven’t seen him in the last six days since you’ve been in the Ruins. Toriel mentioned that she rarely sees that monster in the Ruins, so it’s likely he lives somewhere else in the Underground.

Fucking bummer, man.

So, unfortunately, you couldn’t have a cool bond with the shy ghost. But! There was a certain monster type that you unironically vibed with pretty well.

Yeah, that’s right.


It is THE unlikely friendship of the century. You can’t describe how fucking wacky this shit is, all he be doing is just DANCING his little butt off! You ran into him by accident a few days ago when going on a grocery trip with Toriel (you always forget the Ruins/ Underground is a LOT bigger than what’s accessible in the game), and Toriel was ready to throw hands in your honor.

But Migosp?

He just danced it off.


As a joke, you hit that yoinky sploinky to join him as a show of good faith. But what you didn’t know was that it was practically an invitation for Migosp to declare you as the best dance partner in the history of Forever. He practically followed you and Toriel to the store, just dancing without a care in the world and pointing at you to take your turn at hitting the gritty.

Is the Author using enough Gen Z words yet? Probably not.

While Migosp wasn’t the greatest companion (“What? I don’t feel like talking. I just wanna dance!”), he liked you enough that he stuck around whenever you saw him. You doubt he’d protect you if there was a threat, but he was there for sure.

Froggit was another monster type that you love so much. They just wanted pets and compliments for most of the time. Some of them would even solve the puzzles for you and Toriel whenever they see you come by to save you time. You remember that they are pretty intimidated by Toriel, so it is possible that they’re only nice to you because of her. But you want to think that you’re likable enough for them to want to befriend you naturally.

Now the Loox monsters…

They were just… kind of there. You try not to stare at them, but they are a lot scarier in person than in-game (go figure).

All of the monsters are bigger in person than you thought. You suppose it’s because they are monsters that they will naturally be bigger than a human such as yourself. A monster like Loox, for example, is 4’5 (137cm) tall.


Still, the Loox monsters are on good enough terms with you. They avoid you in fear of being picked on, but then get happy to talk to you when they realize that you won’t bully them. Vegatoids fell into the same category if you’re honest. As long as you ate your greens, they had no qualms about leaving you alone.

Moldsmal encourages you to let out your inner hoe-bag, no surprise there. There is that very fine line though since you’re supposed to be a “kid,” but hey! Maybe all sexy wiggles don’t have to be inherently sexual! Slowly but surely, you can revamp the sexy wiggle to be a sexy wiggle rated E for Everyone.

As for the Whimsun…

They avoided you like the fucking plague. You guessed it was to be expected; they could barely handle Frisk and they were just a little fella.

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