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six || a promise we made long ago


"Wasn't today just wonderful?" Huening Kai sighed happily, falling back onto the ground, his eyes staring up at the ceiling in pure delight. "Such a beautiful scenery, we got to witness it wonderfully!"

"Not to mention the really good food we were offered after," Yeonjun chuckled softly, fixing his blanket before lying down on his mat, glancing over at Huening Kai who agreed right away. "I think my favorite part was seeing that pretty gazebo."

"Mine was seeing the bear statue, so cute! What about you Taehyun?"

The two of them looked over at the male who was standing by the window, staring at the outside view where it faced the wisteria forest perfectly, the faint lavender glow looking beautiful from miles away.


"H-Huh?" Taehyun snapped his head towards the other two who stared at him with curiosity. "I-I like it, everything about it."

"Hey, are you okay? Ever since we left the forest you've been... edgy?" Huening Kai tilted his head, sitting up properly as the male sighed softly.

"I'm fine," He wasn't. "I guess I'm just tired, you know? In thought about what I could do for the fashion show."

That seemed to convince one out of the two people in the room.

As Huening Kai nodded his head and got up from his spot to set up his mat, that only left Yeonjun and Taehyun who awkwardly stared at each other.

"Listen," Yeonjun sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "I get that you wanted to see whatever it was at the end of the pathway, but trust me, Tyun. You could've gotten hurt!"

"I know, I'm sorry," Taehyun sighed for the ninth time, it felt like he was a student getting scolded by a teacher because he had got caught skipping class. "I just... I swore... the bell."

"The bell doesn't exist in that forest Taehyun," Yeonjun stood up and walked over towards the male, grabbing his wrist and pulling him away from the window. "You saw the trees when we walked around, no bells in the branches, you also heard what Mrs. Yoo said, it was most likely the wind."

Taehyun wanted to believe what he said, he really did, but he just couldn't. Not when he literally heard the chiming sounds of bells from deep within the forest, a faint voice that was just barely above the sounds of the wind calling out for him. He knew he wasn't hallucinating anything, he heard it, clearly.

"I'm sorry for getting upset at you," Yeonjun said once the two of them were sat down on their own little mats. "I just... when we realized you weren't behind us, I got scared. I didn't think straight and immediately went to find you, which wasn't hard with your hair color."

"I heard stories about those who cross the red ropes find themselves drowned in bad luck, that they'll be more and more enchanted to walk off the cliffs edge, I didn't want that to happen to you."

Taehyun's eyes widened when Yeonjun had said that, all of his thoughts began swirling around in a whirlpool of confusion as he rethought about what the events had happened today were really about, was it true that he was just hearing things...? Did he really almost meet the end of his life?

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