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ten || an enchanting red string


"Do you believe in soulmates...?"

"Soulmates?" The male glanced up from his notebook, staring at the knight with a glint of curiosity and confusion. "What are soulmates?"

"There was an ancient book near the forbidden area in the library," The knight sat down next to him, his gentle eyes admiring how beautiful he was. "I had gotten my hands on it and read this section about the ancient tales of soulmates."

"It sounds scary, are you certain you didn't read a horror novel?"

"Why are you always so suspicious of everything, chéri?" He began laughing, finding the males reactions humorous.

The knight looked around carefully, making sure there weren't any others around the area where they could see them. Once he confirmed that it was fine, he glanced back at the boy he admired, pulling out a book from his bag.

"The storybook of legends?" The male read the title, his head tilting in confusion. "This just sounds like some lame book that some commoner wrote about."

"Oh, but my chéri," The knight scooted closer towards the male, their arms directly pressing against one another. "You don't understand, these... stories... written in this book, it's fascinating, nobody in this kingdom ever had such fascinating discoveries and theories like this!"

The fascinated and adorable expression on the knights face only made him more interested in what had caught his attention so well. "Alright, enlighten me."

Just like a small child, the males eyes lit up in excitement as he nodded like a loyal puppy, turning the pages as he began reading the first page.

"Soulmates, just like two puzzles piecing together perfectly. Two soulmates who are bonded to one another have an intense and passionate connection, a deep emotional bond that goes beyond anything else, someone you feel deeply connected to."

The males eyes widened after hearing that, just hearing it for the first time, what soulmates are, made his heart feel so fuzzy inside.

"D-Do..." He spoke up hesitantly, glancing over at his lover. "Do you think we could... be soulmates...?"

He looked over at him and smiled warmly, all he wanted to do was hold him close and kiss him gently, but he knew he couldn't. They were too exposed in the open, especially near the main palace.

"I hope we are, you complete me."

The males face began to flush red as he looked away, scoffing softly before glancing back at the book, a specific section catching his attention right away.

"What is that section?"

"Ah!" The knight looked over at that section before reading it out loud. "These soulmates are connected by a red thread, tied around their ring finger, this cord may stretch and tangle but never break regardless place, time, or circumstances, forever bonding and connecting them through different lifetimes."

All of this new information made his heart race at such a fast pace, looking over at his lover, he wanted nothing more than this story book to be true.

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