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eleven || a heart wrapped in strings


"That's it Mr. Choi! That's the pose! Now stay still and keep a calm expression!"

Taehyun stood there silently, his face blank and void of any emotions as he watched Huening Kai guide the elder on how to pose correctly and get all the best angles, which wasn't really necessary but it was a good bonding experience for the two.

His eyes landed on Beomgyu's smiling face... not only Beomgyu's but everyone. Everyone around him was smiling; Huening Kai, the staff, the photographers, everyone.

Except him.

How could he smile...?

He wanted to smile, but how could he when there was a crimson red string connecting both his and Beomgyu's ring finger.

The minute he saw the string that connected the both of them, his heart dropped. That meant... Choi Beomgyu, the man who had saved him from those creepy guys during that late night walk home was... was...

...his soulmate...

Earlier, when he had met up with Beomgyu and Soobin in the lobby and saw the red string attached to the elders ring finger, he wanted to gouge out his eyeballs, clean them dry, pop them back in, and make sure he was seeing things correctly.

But unfortunately, he could not do that, so instead, he began to blink rapidly hundreds of times before realizing that it wasn't his mind playing tricks with him, the string was real.

Which meant that Beomgyu was his soulmate.

His heart couldn't handle it and his mind couldn't process it all! Just hours after he discovered the string after having that strange dream, here he was discovering that a stranger who captured his interest right away was his fucking soulmate!

He doesn't know whether to consider it lucky or a curse.

It... made Taehyun excited, though he doesn't have full knowledge about soulmates and the red string due to some information about it having holes, he felt excited... but... he also felt terrified...?

He doesn't know why he felt so scared... so frightened... terrified... all of the words that defined scared!

He doesn't know why though, at first he was excited but now that he let it sink in, it felt so... scary. Like something deep down within his heart was screaming at him that this wasn't good, his guts twisting in such a way he was certain he'd puke up last nights dinner.

But... despite all of those emotions, when he glanced over at Beomgyu and the two of them made eye contact, that warm heart swelling smile growing on the males face when they did, oh it did such unexplainable things to his heart.

How could he not be interested in Beomgyu? First of all, he had protected him from those weird strangers and guided him home, practically saving him when he didn't need to. Second of all, he just has that charm... a strange charm that pulls you in like a siren singing for a sailors heart, driving you in until you begin drowning in that sensation, unable to the way out and resurface to breathe.

Beomgyu was gentle with every word he spoke, his eyes so full of care and warmth it was nearly impossible to be driven away by his gaze.

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