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twelve || faint nostalgia


Taehyun stared blankly at the ceiling, his eyes trailing the dull color as he tried his best to give into the numbing exhaustion that tingled his entire body, but after three hours of tossing and turning in bed, he still stayed wide awake.

Two whole days had passed by ever since he discovered that Beomgyu was his soulmate, which also meant it was two whole days since he last saw the male since he doesn't start work until Monday.

It was a bit frustrating, that emptiness in his heart really bothered him and he wanted to see Beomgyu a lot, but he knew if he saw him he might go insane when he sees that red string again.

Sighing softly, the male closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands, tossing and turning side to side as he tried his best to find at least one spot that would send him at least into an exhausted state, only to fail after several useless attempts.

"Goddamnit!" Taehyun said loudly, a groan mixed with a whine came out as he sat up from his bed and sighed, looking around his dark room.

So much for a good nights rest, not like he'd get one anyway without those dreams coming at him without a break. For the past two days, they've been calm, just little moments that he had already seen or moments where he's walking through an endless field without a break, it was so calming yet eerie at the same time... but it was better than watching someone die or having his throat slit.

But now, he felt a bit nervous, it was only a matter of time until those calming dreams would turn into something worse, something chaotic and terrifying.

Thank god I have a day off tomorrow... or today...? Taehyun furrowed his eyebrows as he turned to the side and grabbed his phone, turning it on as he squinted his eyes nearly immediately when that bright light literally flashed him. It's only four in the morning, fuck, I've been trying to sleep for five whole hours.

Slowly getting off from his bed, he walked out of his room and into his cold lonely living room, deciding that if he couldn't sleep then he would just pass the time by watching some random show, right?

Man... actually... that sounds kinda boring.

Taehyun began to feel frustrated, time went by so slow at night time, so anything that he tried to distract himself with wasn't enough, which left him with only one thing to do that came to his mind in the depths of night.

I can't avoid it anymore.

Walking back to his room, he went over towards his desk and picked up his notebook that he had discarded for quite some time now, staring at it for a few seconds he pursed his lips and turned back around and went back towards the living room, maybe he could focus better there.

Setting the notebook down on the little coffee table in front of the couch, the male sat down and stared at it for a few seconds, that cannibalistic anxiety creeping up in his stomach the longer he did.

The notebook that he had disregarded in his college years, the one filled with all of those sketches of royal outfits, something so useless impacted him so much it was pathetic at this point.

It was a surprise and quite a jumpscare when he saw the notebook deep within his suitcase, he had no memory of it being there at all, so now he wonders if his mother or even his sweet little brother had snuck it into there in hopes that he would get over his random fear of anything royal related, safe to say it didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07 ⏰

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