Chapter one

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As our band, 2gether 4ever, walked off stage after winning the music band competition, the sound of angry voices growing louder and louder.
Bright Vachirawit, the leader of the defeated band, stood in our path. His grip on my shirt tightened as he angrily accused us,

"You guys paid the people to vote them, didn't you?"

The tension and hostility in Bright's voice was palpable, and the anger radiated off his body like a fire.
He was clearly upset about their loss, and he did not hesitate to take his frustration out on us.

I managed to find my voice and respond,

"What are you talking about? We won fair and square. We're just better than you, that's all."

Bright's eyes narrowed at my words, and his grip on my shirt got tighter. I could feel his grip on my shirt cutting off my breath, and I knew the situation could get out of hand if I didn't handle it carefully.

As the tensions between 2gether 4ever and The Darkest Star band rose, the situation quickly escalated.
The members of 2gether 4ever began throwing fists at the members of The Darkest Star band, and the fight quickly turned into an all-out battle.

The sounds of fists landing on flesh permeated the air, and the screams of the band members echoed throughout the room. Each hit seemed to be more intense than the last, and I could see the adrenaline coursing through the veins of the band members.

The anger and frustration that had been bottled up for weeks, months, and even years was now being released, and the band members were giving it their all. I could see blood beginning to spill on the floor as the fight continued, and the thought of how far this would go terrified me.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the other members of 2gether 4ever fighting with ferocity, their faces contorting with rage. While the situation was terrifying, I couldn't help but be impressed with their skills and determination.

I had never seen them fight like this before, and it was almost as if they were transformed into something other than human.

As the fight raged on, I began to wonder if this was the end of our rivalry with The Darkest Star or whether it was just the beginning of a long feud.
Either way, I knew that this moment would be etched into my memory forever, and I hoped that the consequences wouldn't be too dire.

Eventually, the janitor saw us and reported us to the principal, and, as always, we got a punishment - clean the toilets for a month.

"I swear, those Stars are fucking annoying." Chimon said, cleaning his wound.

"Right, they don't understand that we are just simply better." Satang was lounging on the school desk.

"They are jerks, hot jerks, tho." Everyone gave Phuwin a dirty look.
"Hot, my ass. I would rather date rats." Satang cleared.

"Whatever. We should start practicing even more so Stars could finally realize that we are better." I demanded.

As 2gether 4ever continued to jam out in their music room, the music from the next room over, Darkest Stars' music room, grew louder and louder. The members of 2gether 4ever couldn't help but roll their eyes at the constant noise, but they were determined to ignore it and continue with their practice.

"Those bastards i want to punch them." Satang muttered under his breath, clearly annoyed by the constant distraction. Chinom nodded in agreement, and the two of them began to discuss options for dealing with the situation.

As they talked, the door suddenly burst open, and three members of Darkest Stars - Perth, Pond and Bright entered, looking annoyed.

"Help us," Pond pleaded, the three of them grabbing our wrists and dragging us into their music room.

At first, the members of 2gether 4ever resisted going along with their request, but when we refused, they didn't take no for an answer. With their hands firmly grasping our wrists, they pulled us into their music room.

We saw unconscious Winny, laying on the floor.

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