Chapter ten

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Even though I might act like I hold disdain towards Win Metawin, the reality is far different.
The truth of the matter is that I've liked him ever since he saved I from those perperators beating me up.

His actions in that moment, although perhaps impulsive, displayed a kindness and bravery that not many possess.

Even though I might hide my feelings under the guise of hate, the depth of my feelings for Win Metawin runs deep.

I like him, I really do, but I am scared of ruining my character.

I don't wanna be hated. I don't wanna be humiliated. Me being scared is the problem.

As I made my way towards the football court, I heard a soft and quiet cry coming from behind the lockers while I was changing my clothes. It seemed to be a similar voice, filled with pain and anguish.

I immediately stopped in my tracks, listening closely.
The crying continued, growing louder and more desperate. I knew that I couldn't just ignore it, so I decided to investigate.

I slowly approached the source of the sound, careful not to make too much noise.
As I neared the lockers, I could hear the crying becoming more intense. It was clear that the person was going through something very traumatic.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. Should I intervene?
Or should I leave the situation alone? In the end, my instincts told me to act.

I slowly sneaked behind the locker. I saw Win huddled on the floor, tears streaming down his face.

But what do I do in this situation? Should I hug him? Should I comfort him? I am his rival, right?

As I pondered the situation, Win suddenly moved towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

I was taken aback by the suddenness of it, but also by the warmth and intimacy of the act.

It was almost like he had reached out for me, seeking my comfort and support.
In that moment, I felt a connection to him, a sense of empathy and understanding that went beyond mere words.

"Bright...Why do I keep failing.." His eyes were filled with tears. "I want to be loved too..."

"Shh, Win, It's okay. Everything will be okay.. Failing only makes you stronger." I whispered, my hands cupping his cheeks.

"Why is everyone enjoying their lives? I wanna enjoy my life too... I don't want to suffer.. I wanna be loved too, Bright.."

"Win, let me be the one who you will love and will make you feel loved."

After a while, we sat on the bench outside the school campus. Win calmed himself down.

"What exactly happened, Win?"
"Our band might disband because we get too many hates for losing the volleyball match.."
"I'm so sorry. The world is just too cruel. You guys dont deserve this."
"Thank you." He softly smiled, "I never knew someone like you could be this kind."

I smiled back.

"Win, I like you."
"I like you too, Bright."

We shared a kiss.
But this time, a kiss with real feelings.

Author's note:

Don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you <33

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