Chapter 5: Hidden Charade of the 10th Fatui Harbinger

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"Please, take a seat," Neuvillette gesture his hand at the couch as he offered Arlecchino a drink, "Coffee?"

"Thank you."

Once seat, the Iudex wait for the Knave to take a sip, placing the cup at the table, before speaking, "My apologies, Ms. Arlecchino, but I'm afraid I do not have enough time to spare so if you may, please keep it short."

"I'm pretty sure you know what I came here, yes? It's already been known to the mass that Lady Furina is nowhere to be seen," she replied, trying to emphasize those words. However, opposite to what the Knave expect, Neuvillette remained unwaver and maintained composure.

"We exert best efforts to search for Lady Furina's whereabout. We will send an official announcement soon about how we intend to solve this matter. For the time being, I beg for your kind patience."

A Melusine came inside the office with a plate of pastry on hand, placed it at the table, gracefully bow, and left with no single word being offered. A small chocolate cake, shaped into a long rectangle, with a gold circular and a couple almonds present for fancy garnishing, Arlecchino took notice and gaze at the pastry with interest.

"La Lettre a Focalors?" She inquired to which he replied, "Indeed. Please, help yourself."

According to a certain lore, there was a pastissier inspired to make such a fine mastery in the name of love for the Hydro Archon. The layers stacked one upon another demonstrate the chef's passion for the pastry, showing how the Hydro Archon influence such a remarkable person, and the result was the confectionery served at the table.

Arlecchino took the fork and knife, slicing the cake with elegance. The aroma of coffee and almonds wafted through the air, enticing her to its irresistible fragrance. It only took one indulgent bite to found herself drowned by its luxurious, delightful flavor and a bliss of sweetness.

"The taste is palatable. It shows an impressive pastry expertise. I'm sure my children will enjoy it as well."

"I'm glad it suit your taste. I shall then bring some to the House of Heart as a parting gift."

A subtle smile adorn her lips, "Oh my, how thoughtful of you."

Whether it be a genuine or not remains a mystery. Despite being intrigue, Neuvillette put those thoughts aside as he reply in courtesy, "It's always been my pleasure to serve you."

A brief pause took in place. Arlecchino resume stuffing her mouth with such delicacy, showing her please at the pastry. Iudex on the other hand, took a sip on his coffee, indulging his self from the bitterness. That way, it'll help his mind maintain calm. After a few couple minutes, the Knave gracefully placed the fork down at the plate and proceed,

"How about I offer a proposal?"

Neuvillette, who was also taking a slice, took a halt and replied, "And what it might be?"

"A collaborative effort to be exact."

Hesitant, he made a hum sound as he tries to reevaluate his options. The Iudex then eventually let Arlecchino proceed after making up his mind. He thought that her proposal, although carrying some risk, might be beneficial and profitable in some other way.

"Please elaborate."

"Very well. To put it simply, my plan is to let my childrens join the investigation team to find the missing Archon. In return-" before Arlecchino could even finish her piece, Neuvillette interrupted her as he was already expecting what lies next to her words.

"The Gnosis, yes?"


It's not a secret that the Harbingers want the Gnosis. In fact, as obvious as it sound, they boldly announce it open if they were given a chance. Of course, they won't go far as to let everyone know about it. For Neuvillette, the Gnosis will bring more trouble than what its worth so he is considering her proposal solemnly.

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