2: Light in the darkness

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Anika pov

As I stepped out of the room, the echoes of laughter still dancing in my ears, Aanya gracefully disappeared into her expansive walk-in wardrobe. With a playful smile lingering on my lips, I took charge of the kitchen, fully aware that Aanya couldn't cook without burning something be it her hand or the food itself it is one of the legendary habit of her. Nevertheless, I took on the challenge, determined to whip up something delicious for the both of us.

After some time spent chopping, stirring, and seasoning, I finally completed the task at hand: a fragrant pot of vegetable rice, steam wafting up to fill the air with its tempting aroma. Satisfied with my culinary creation, I set about arranging the table, laying out plates, utensils, and napkins with care.

Just as I was putting the finishing touches on our breakfast setup, Aanya emerged from her wardrobe, adorned in an emerald green kurti kya matlab ki ab ye hulk ban k ghumegi but truth to be told, she looked stunning, with those captivating siren-like eyes that could make anyone swoon, those cute chubby cheeks that sometimes made her look like a toddler. Aanya was the epitome of beauty, with her petite frame and hourglass figure. Sometimes, I couldn't help but envy her curves. Just as I was lost in admiration, she broke the spell with her cheerful voice, bringing me back to reality.
(The translation of "Kya matlab ki ab ye hulk ban k ghumegi" in English is: "What do you mean, she'll roam around like Hulk now?")

I complimented her on her beauty but couldn't resist teasing her about her obsession with green. I mean, seriously, didn't she ever get tired of it? With half her wardrobe filled with green clothes, I joked that she'd soon turn into a real-life She-Hulk.

We shared a laugh, the easy camaraderie between us a testament to the bond we shared. As we sat down to enjoy our meal, I couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, where laughter and companionship filled the air, making even the simplest of breakfasts feel like a feast fit for royalty.

After sometimes Anika's words poured out in an unstoppable torrent, filling the room with a chaotic energy. But as I glanced at Aanya, I noticed something different in her demeanor. Her usually bright eyes were now glistening with tears, silently betraying the turmoil within her. Suddenly, a pang of regret pierced through me, realizing the impact of my words on her.

"Hey, Aanya, please don't cry,' I murmured softly, my voice barely audible over the din. 'I'm here for you.'

"Aanya's shoulders trembled as she struggled to contain her emotions. 'An... Ani,' she stuttered, her voice choked with tears, 'I can't shake off that incident. It still haunts me.'

"Without hesitation, I reached out and enveloped her in a warm embrace, offering whatever solace I could amidst the storm of her anguish. In that moment, words seemed insufficient, and the only language we needed was the silent comfort of each other's presence."

" 'Shh, I'm here. Nothing will happen,' I whispered softly, wrapping my arms around Aanya, trying to shield her from the haunting memories that threatened to overwhelm us both.

"Then, like a chilling flashback, the events of that fateful night flooded my mind.

"Two months prior...

"Aanya had been at a party with her fiancé, while I was stuck at work on a night shift. Little did I know, Aanya's fiancé, Vihan, had betrayed her trust in the most despicable way. He had spiked her drink with Viagra and forced himself upon her despite her protests. In a panic, Aanya had managed to escape and called me, her voice trembling with fear and disbelief. She was gasping for air, her words tumbling out in a frantic rush as she explained what had happened.

" 'What happened, Aanya?' I demanded, my impatience betraying my concern.

" 'V... Vihan,' she struggled to speak, 'he drugged me and tried to force himself on me. He's following my car...'

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