2. Making Frenemies

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So the tests were pretty average after all. I managed to get in the top 3 scores for the speed test, the long jump (I tied with Ururaka as neither of us technically had to come down until we ran out of energy), and the ball toss. The rest of the tests I fell somewhere above average but not at the top. There was a brief drama between Bakugo and the messy, green haired guy he called Deku, but other than that everything seemed to go well. Deku ended up almost going home but Mr Aizawa told us he was kidding about expelling someone, instead just giving him a note to go get his finger fixed as he somehow broke it throwing the ball. I was really surprised by that throw. He managed to beat Bakugo's score by 0.01m and he seemed beyond pissed about it. But that insane strength seemed to come at great physical cost. It almost didn't seem worth it.

After the Quirk assessment test it was lunch time. The trip to the cafeteria was luckily a lot easier to safely navigate than the halls to the classroom. A couple of the girls walked with me, Mina and Jiro still fawning over the softness of my feathers while Tsu just walked beside me talking about her plans to become a rescue hero.

"I'm going to get the curry I think" said Mina suddenly as we approached the menu.

"I'm also feeling the curry" said Jiro.

I looked at the menu for a few minutes as the girls made their orders, my mouth watering at all the options. Eventually I made my pick and was given my ticket for the order. Because I had waited until last the girls all soon had their orders and were looking around for a table.

"Oh! There's an empty booth over there!" pointed out Mina.

I suddenly felt my stomach drop as I realised that once again I was going to be a bit of an inconvenience due to my large wings. I sighed and said "you guys go get yourself the booth, I'll have to get a table somewhere. My wings won't allow me to fit in the booth".

"We can just find a table, ribbit" said Tsu.

"The tables are all taken. There's space for us but we'd have to share" I pointed out.

"Sweetie, we're not making you go find somewhere on your own on the first day of school" said Mina as though I were being silly.

Was I being silly? Do people not get frustrated with you when you can't perform a task they can out in the real world? At the facility if I couldn't do something during a training drill I was left behind immediately.

My order number came up and I grabbed my plate before following the girls in search of a table we would all fit at. After a few minutes we found one in the back corner with just enough seats for us and it was occupied by classmates we knew. Tokoyomi sat with the blonde streaky haired guy, that small boy with bizarre grape-like hair and the boy with the red spiky hair and wide grin.

"Mind if we join you guys?" asked Jiro as she moved to sit next to the blonde boy.

"Please do" he responded with a sly smile as the grape haired kid seemed to drool.

I did not like that at all...

Mina took a seat on the end next to the red haired guy, whom she seemed to already be familiar, Tsu sat on the seat next to the grape kid, which I was thankful for, and the last seat was at the opposite end of that side, next to Tokoyomi. This was fine.

"Do you mind?" I asked as I gestured to the spot.

"Go ahead" he replied as he continued eating.

"Thanks, but my wing is probably going to sit right behind your chair as well a little. That okay?" I double checked.

"I'll be careful not to slide my chair back or anything" he said and I grinned in return at his understanding.

I took my seat and folded my wings out of the way as much as possible. This was so crazy, before this I had never had this issue with them. Then again, at the facility everything was as bare and large as possible, no narrow hallways or comfortable chairs, mostly stools or you sit on the floor. Even at home the place was customised to make things easy for Keigo, and seeing as he also had wings it had never been an issue for me.

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