3. Frozen Chicken Nuggets

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"All right, and START!" shouted All Might through our earphones.

I spotted Todoroki and Shoji enter the building from my hiding spot on the roof. It was quiet for a few moments, the only noise coming from my earpiece as Ojiro breathed a little heavier after I told him they were inside. I was still sitting at the edge, looking down, when suddenly a bunch of ice began coating the building.

"Woah! What the fuck?" I said as I heard Ojiro yell in panic too.

I flew into the air in time to avoid getting frozen to the outside of the building. I looked down in horrified awe. That guy was insanely powerful if he managed to freeze everything so quickly and seemingly with little effort. I flew to a point where I could just barely see through the frozen window to see that Todoroki was just entering the room, meanwhile I could hear Shoji from outside the building down below as he spotted me and reported it back to Todoroki. Well, there goes the surprise part of my attack.

I saw him look directly at me as I swooped towards the window and burst through, placing myself between him and Ojiro with the bomb. I glanced behind me and saw that Ojiro's feet had become frozen to the ground. Great... guess it's just me now.

"Give up now" said Todoroki calmly.

"A villain never gives up without a good fight right?" I smirked and readied myself to charge.

He didn't respond but the next moment he threw his arm forward and a line of ice came rushing towards me. I was lucky I hadn't revealed this ability before as it came in handy as a surprise now. With a deep breath I screeched in the direction of the ice, the sonic attack breaking it apart and causing Todoroki to jump to the side to avoid the counter attack.

"Woah Suzume, you didn't say you could do that" said Ojiro in shock.

"Didn't want to ruin the surprise" I winked at him.

Todoroki stared me down for a moment before using his hand again, but this time with a much stronger attack, one I had to not only use my sonic attack to prevent it touching me, but also had to physically move from my position to off to the side, still closer to the bomb than Todoroki, but not as defensive of it as before. Damn, I'll have to be quick if he charges for it.

"You may be able to dodge my attacks...but he can't" threatened Todoroki in a monotonous voice as he raised his hand in Ojiro's direction.

Ojiro flinched, despite no attack yet, while I just chuckled.

"Oh boy, you forgot I'm playing a villain right? You think I care what you do to my partner?" I asked sarcastically as I rested my hand on my hip, looking unconcerned, "all you'll be doing is wasting time...and we're on a limited supply" I laughed.

Ojiro looked horrified and began trying to get his feet unstuck as he realised I really wasn't going to surrender for him. Todoroki just sighed and lowered his hand, making Ojiro breath out in relief.

"Damn Suzume, I thought he was supposed to be the cold one" he commented gesturing to Todoroki and I giggled.

"Whatever, I just have to touch it" muttered Todoroki, just loud enough for me to hear him.

He suddenly used his ice on the floor and started practically speed skating towards the bomb. In a panic I flew forward intending to intercept him and maybe toss him out the window or something. Unfortunately I didn't suspect that he was simply trying to lure me in and as soon as I was mid flight he turned his hand towards me and sent ice in my direction. I panicked and attempted to veer around it but the ice hit my wing and solidified around it, causing me to suddenly be yanked to a halt, the ice encasing my whole right wing and part of my chest and arm. I turned and tried to tug at it but I knew I was stuck, he had tricked me. I decided to use my sonic screech as a last ditch effort to disorient him at least so he wouldn't reach the bomb, but it looks like he had already planned for that too. As soon as I went to face him and scream he was already an inch from my face and lifted his hand to freeze my mouth shut. My eyes widened as they met his and I felt a surge of panic I hadn't felt in a while as he stared back blankly. This guy was...scary.

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