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Pine Barrens, October 2021

Ghost hunting could be a dangerous activity in some occasions, that Lucille Patterson knew very well, and yet she was on the pick up truck of her best friend, Miles, who was driving, she was shotgun, Emma, her best friend in the back with her little brother, Eric

They were traveling from Los Angeles to New Jersey, to the Pine Barrens to be exact, mostly interested in the stories of the place than the sightings of the New Jersey's devil

Lucille, Emma, Miles and Eric get deeper into the forest getting stuck on a body of water since it had rained the night before, the guy that explained everything about the pine barrens told the group to be careful if they come across a body of water, not to just pass without making sure how deep it was, but Miles being impatient, he did what he wasn't supposed to.

—Miles, for the love of God! The guy told us not to do that!— Lucille yells

—Okay, my bad, calm down, Lucy— Miles says, pushing the acceleration pedal

In the other side of the lake a group of four men were cheering on them, Lucille smiled at them and came out of the truck to look at the tire that was under the water, she got back on and the car finally got off the hole

As the night progressed, so did the investigation, the group got evidence but not enough to deem the forest truly haunted to their beliefs, Lucille got her first aid kit from the car and sprayed everyone in insect repellent, later that evening, she separated from the group like she always does, even when she shouldn't have

The brunette walked along the path until she realized the path had ended a long ago

—Where is the path?— Lucille mumbled to herself, but there was just dirt everywhere and in a normal situation she would be calm and brave but everything was so eerie—Why do you always do this, Lucille!— She scolded herself

—Yeah, why do you always do this, Lucille— Said a deep masculine voice behind her, Lucille turned around to find a brunette guy in a blue crew neck sweatshirt

—Jesus fucking Christ!— She exclaimed as she heard the voice

At first she got jumpscared by the guy, and then she smiled widely

—Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you— He says, backing up in his steps to not make her uncomfortable —You shouldn't be out alone

—I got lost— The Canadian-Japanese said in a hopeless tone

—I can see that— He replied with sarcasm, he was clearly amused by the situation —Let me guide you to your campsite

—Good try, stranger, I can go back by myself— Lucille responded a little defensive

—My name is Colby— The stranger said, now identified as Colby —I won't hurt you, I promise

—That's what a murderer would say— Lucille says in a accusatory tone

In the distance, Colby saw a brunette guy walking towards them, with a extremely concerned expression, same expression that turns severe once he saw Colby with his Lucy

—LUCILLE!— Miles ran towards her, grabbing her by her shoulders, making sure she was okay —You scared the ever loving crap out of me, don't do that again

Colby Brock just stood there, the girl whose name now he knew, smiled candidly at him

—Thank you for finding me, Colby— The Japanese-Canadian girl thanked him sincerely

And he couldn't say anything else, because her friend rapidly took her away, even when their interaction was short, the YouTuber felt a connection with her

Lucille Patterson and her group spend the night in the woods, according to Miles Miller it was safer to sleep in the truck than on the tent, when it came to the paranormal, he was a skeptic through and through and on the other side, Lucille Patterson, highly empathic person and believer, Emma Scott, who was a psychic medium, even if she denied it, and Eric Patterson, Lucy's younger brother and curious adventurer they experienced noises which Miles explained as the wind or some animal

—This is ridiculous— The brunette guy said as they were driving back to California —Everything has an explanation and that forest is just a bunch of BS

—We know what we heard— Lucy discussed back, clearly annoyed by his lack of hope in something —You would have to be so dumb to not believe something is real

—Not ghosts—

—Believe whatever you want, but you're wrong— She stated finally, very stubbornly

Eric and Emma looked at each other as they heard the discussion, the youngest of the group took out his air pods from his pocket and listened to some Kid Cudi, while Emma played Candy Crush

Once Miles parked the truck on Lucille's garage, he said he had to go, he didn't had any excuse, just didn't wanted to stay, Eric, Emma and Lucille stayed at the house they shared

—I told you I saw a cute brunette guy in your future— Emma says casually

—Your dream had nothing to do with that meeting, I was not injured like you said—

Eric Patterson simply rolled his eyes at the conversation, door dashing some food for the three of them, while Emma turned on the TV to put Outlander


Mili 💞 has been changed to Miles.



I don't really want to talk right now, so I'd appreciate if you don't

I just wanted to say I'm sorry
I shouldn't have said any of that
If makes you feel better I believe that you believe

That's sweet, Mil
But I won't waste for time anymore, so if you don't want to go with us anymore, it's fine

That's not something I would love to do
I go with you, to protect you

And I appreciate that
But I don't want to force you
You have no responsibility to protect me

You're right, but I do it anyways

It's better if we don't, I value our friendship

ONCE IN A LIFETIME ━colby brock Where stories live. Discover now