ch-35 Romance

52 24 7

The dusty road stretched before them, a ribbon leading towards the familiar embrace of Vansh's hometown.

The weight of her secret lifted, Ridhima felt a lightness in her chest that mirrored the soft glow of the rising sun painting the sky.

Beside her, Vansh squeezed her hand, a silent reassurance that sent warmth blooming through her.

They stopped at a roadside viewpoint, a small clearing overlooking a valley bathed in the golden morning light. Rolling green hills stretched out as far as the eye could see, dotted with the occasional grazing cow and the picturesque silhouette of a distant farmhouse.  The air, crisp and clean, carried the sweet scent of wildflowers and the earthy aroma of freshly turned soil.

Stepping out of the car, Ridhima took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the peaceful serenity of the landscape. Vansh joined her, his presence a comforting anchor beside her.

For a moment, they stood in comfortable silence, simply taking in the view. The shared journey, the vulnerability they had exposed, had forged a deeper connection between them. 

Ridhima stole a glance at Vansh, his profile softened by the morning light.  His strong jawline, the hint of stubble, the determined set of his brows – everything about him filled her with a fierce tenderness.
As if sensing her gaze, Vansh turned to her, his eyes holding a universe of unspoken emotions.  He reached out, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.  His touch, light as a feather, sent a jolt of electricity through her.

"This place," he began, his voice low and husky, "used to be my escape. Whenever things got tough, I'd come here to find peace."
A shy smile touched Ridhima's lips.  "It does have a calming effect," she agreed.  "Like a natural reset button."
He chuckled, the sound warm and inviting.  "Exactly. And now, I want to share this peace with you."
He gestured towards a large, flat rock nestled under a sprawling banyan tree, its branches creating a canopy of cool shade. 

Ridhima followed him, her heart fluttering with anticipation.  They sat down, a comfortable silence settling between them once again.
Vansh took a deep breath, his eyes meeting hers.  "Ridhima," he began, his voice laced with sincerity, "sharing your secret wasn't just a sign of trust. It showed me your strength, your resilience. It made me love you even more."

His words washed over her, chasing away any lingering doubts. A blush crept up her neck as she met his gaze, her heart overflowing with love.
Vansh reached out, his thumb gently tracing the curve of her cheek. "There's so much I want to explore with you, Ridhima," he murmured, his voice husky with unspoken desire. "Not just places, but emotions, dreams, a future we build together, brick by brick."
Ridhima leaned into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed.  "I want to explore with you too, Vansh," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

He cupped her face, his touch sending shivers down her spine.  Slowly, he leaned in, his breath warm on her lips. The world around them seemed to fade away, the only focus the intensity of his gaze and the promise of his touch.
Just as their lips were about to meet, a mischievous glint sparked in Vansh's eyes.  He pulled back slightly, a playful grin replacing the seriousness on his face.

"But for now," he teased, "how about we explore the secrets this beautiful landscape holds?"

Ridhima, her heart pounding with a mix of disappointment and amusement, let out a playful laugh.  "Alright, Vansh," she countered, a mischievous glint in her own eyes. "Lead the way, but don't think you'll escape that kiss for long."
With that, they set off, hand in hand, exploring hidden paths, chasing butterflies in wildflower meadows, and laughing in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the leaves.

The future stretched before them, an uncharted territory filled with possibilities. And as they walked together, their love a guiding light, they knew they were ready to face it all, one adventure at a time.

The day unfolded like a dream. They explored hidden waterfalls that cascaded down moss-covered rocks, their laughter echoing through the quiet valley. Vansh, ever the adventurer, led Ridhima on a daring scramble up a rocky outcrop, rewarding them with a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding countryside.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the landscape, they found themselves nestled in a secluded meadow ablaze with wildflowers.
Vansh spread out a picnic blanket they'd brought along, and Ridhima unpacked a wicker basket filled with local delicacies – soft rotis, creamy paneer, and sweet mango pickles. They ate in comfortable silence, the only sounds the gentle chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves in the breeze.

As twilight descended, a blanket of stars began to emerge in the darkening sky. Vansh pointed out constellations, weaving stories of mythical heroes and celestial lovers. Ridhima listened intently, her head resting on his shoulder, a feeling of absolute contentment washing over her.

Suddenly, Vansh produced a small, velvet box from his pocket. Ridhima's breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest. Could this be…?

A knowing smile played on Vansh's lips. "This isn't a proposal, Ridhima," he said, his voice gentle, seeing the flicker of hope and maybe even a hint of fear in her eyes. "Not yet, at least."
Relief washed over her, followed by a pang of disappointment she quickly masked.

Vansh opened the box, revealing a delicate silver pendant etched with a beautiful lotus flower.  "This is for you," he said, his gaze filled with warmth.  "A symbol of resilience, of beauty that blooms even in muddy waters. It reminded me of you."
Tears welled up in Ridhima's eyes.  This simple gesture, this understanding of her journey, was more precious than any grand declaration. He took the pendant and carefully clasped it around her neck, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

As the first fireflies began to flicker in the twilight, they lay side by side, gazing at the star-studded sky. Ridhima snuggled closer to Vansh, his warmth a comforting presence. They talked of their dreams, their fears, their hopes for the future. In that quiet intimacy, under the vastness of the night sky, their bond deepened further.

The promise of forever might not have been spoken, but a silent vow hung in the air between them. They were on a journey together, a journey of exploration, of healing, of love that bloomed slow and steady, like a sunrise painting the horizon with vibrant hues.  And as they drifted off to sleep, hand in hand under the watchful gaze of a million stars, they knew their love story was just beginning.

So that's it for today .
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Also I wasn't going to update abhi at all but then I saw that we got 51 followers which is huge for me .
Starting from nothing to having a family of 51 followers and many other readers is a big thing for me .

So thanks to everyone who supported me till now by following me or reading and voting and commenting on this book.

A special thanks to my strength.


Thanku so much buddy for reading and voting on my chapters everytime.

So bye for now


To be ..

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