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Eiser Schäfer is the epitome of youthful success and affluent charm—a CEO whose name reverberates through the corridors of corporate power, his face gracing the covers of magazines and the screens of smartphones.

With a jawline carved by the gods and a smile that could melt hearts. In the symphony of admiration and change, a transformative power of love and the profound impact of one soul upon another—confused with understanding his feelings, he finds out what really was the reason why he felt like this around this certain woman.

Here amidst the polished surfaces of boardrooms and the whispered negotiations of corporate

intrigue, the tale begins—a story of a CEO ensnared by the allure of this one girl, her presence promises to unravel the carefully constructed façade of his existence. Their worlds collide one fateful day. Drawn by the scent of her perfume and the allure of anonymity, Eiser finds himself captivated by her, Geneviève Yvette herself.—She has a simplicity and authenticity that stand in stark contrast to the world he inhabits.

With an easy smile and a warmth that draws people in like moths to a flame, she navigates the ebb and flow of daily life with grace and resilience. But as they soon discover, love is not without its challenges. In a world where money and status reign supreme, can two souls from such different worlds find common ground?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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