🧙Chapter 2🧙

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The first rays of morning sunlight filter through the curtains, gently warming the room. I stir, slowly waking from a peaceful slumber in Ginny's room at the Burrow. As I stretch and yawn, I can't help but smile at the familiar and comforting surroundings.

But before I can fully rouse myself, I'm suddenly jolted by a pair of energetic figures pouncing onto the bed. Startled, I sit up to find Hermione and Harry, both wearing mischievous grins, bouncing on either side of me. "Wake up, sleepyhead!" Harry exclaims, his green eyes sparkling with excitement.

As Hermione and Harry jump on me, their laughter fills the room, and I'm enveloped in a whirlwind of affectionate chaos. They give me a massive hug, and I can feel the warmth of their friendship and the genuine joy of our reunion.

"We've missed you so much, Beth!" Hermione exclaims, her eyes shining with sincerity.

I've always had a knack for collecting nicknames. Maybe it's because my name, Elizabeth, feels a bit too formal for the chaotic world of magic I've been thrust into. Or perhaps it's because nicknames are like little badges of affection, tokens of friendship that make me feel a part of something special.

The first nickname that stuck was "Lizzy." It's what Ron started calling me in our early days at Hogwarts. It's a friendly, informal twist on my name, and it suits me just fine. Ron's the kind of friend who's like a warm, cosy sweater—always there when you need comfort.

Then there's "Beth" a name that Hermione occasionally uses. It feels more refined, a bit like her. She's the brains of our trio, the one who always knows the answer.

Fred and George, the mischievous twins, have their own set of nicknames for me. They often call me "Liz" with a wink and a grin. To them, I'm a partner in pranks and adventures, someone who can keep up with their whirlwind of ideas. Being "Liz" in their eyes means I'm part of the fun.

One additional nickname that Harry occasionally uses for me is "Ellie." It's a playful variation of my name, and he uses it when we're having a particularly light-hearted moment, like when we're reminiscing about the good times we've shared.

There are many more that have become accustomed at Hogwarts, for example, Hagrid loves to use formalities (Elizabeth) as well as Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. In contrast, the Slytherins love using my last name Beckett, as well as Puff Princess which I tend to dislike.

Don't get me wrong, I love being a Hufflepuff. But being compared to the golden trio of Gryffindors can be difficult.

Tears of happiness well up in my eyes as I hug them tightly in return. The bond between us is unbreakable, forged through countless adventures and shared triumphs and tribulations. Their presence is a reminder of the love and support that has sustained me through the challenges of my life.

Suddenly Hermione grips the bottom of my chin turning my head to the side. Her face drops.

Suddenly, Hermione grips the bottom of my chin, turning my head to the side. Her face drops, her brows furrowing in concern. It's a gesture that immediately grabs my attention, and I can feel the weight of her worry.

"What happened?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Harry and Ron, who had been engaged in a lively conversation, fall silent, their attention now focused on Hermione and me. I glance in the direction Hermione is looking, and my heart sinks as I see the faint but unmistakable bruise on the side of my face—a painful reminder of the tumultuous life I've left behind.

I swallow hard, my voice trembling as I reply, "It's nothing, really. Just a minor... disagreement."

But Hermione, ever perceptive, isn't satisfied with my vague response. She's always been the one to dig deeper, to seek answers, and to protect those she cares about. Her eyes narrow, and she gently reaches out to touch the bruise with her fingertips, a mixture of anger and sadness in her expression.
"Ellie, you can talk to us," Harry says, sadness spewing across his features.

"Guys, it's fine, I promise." I sit up from the bed, posing a smile. "Besides it's over, I'll never have to set foot in that house again. Isn't that right Athena?" I turn to her; she's perched on the bundle of suitcases situated beside me. Her golden-brown feathers glowed in the morning sun.

I can see that the trio isn't quite finished with the conversation, but they don't press any further.

Just as the weight of the conversation begins to lift, the door to our room bursts open with all the flair that only Fred and George Weasley can muster. They march in with boundless energy, calling for breakfast in a theatrical manner that never fails to bring a smile to my face.

"Good morning, you lovely lot!" Fred announces, his voice filled with exaggerated cheerfulness.

George chimes in, "Time to rise and shine, or we'll eat all the food!"

As they make their grand entrance, Fred, always the more flirtatious of the twins, shoots me a playful wink in pursuit of mischief. "Morning, sunshine," he says with a charming grin.

Ron, who is not particularly fond of Fred's teasing, rolls his eyes and quickly intervenes, telling him to shut up in his characteristic Ron-like fashion. "Oh, for Merlin's sake, Fred, give it a rest."

Fred, not one to be deterred easily, simply chuckles and makes his way to the breakfast table, ready to enjoy a hearty meal with the rest of us.

With Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, and me all in tow, we make our way downstairs to the bustling kitchen of the Burrow. The delicious aroma of breakfast food greets us like an old friend, and my stomach grumbles in anticipation as we step inside.

The sight that meets us is nothing short of glorious. There are plates piled high with scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and buttered toast. A tower of golden pancakes is practically begging to be drenched in syrup, and a colourful array of fresh fruit is arranged in an inviting display.

Arthur Weasley, the head of this wonderful household, looks up from his plate and offers me a warm smile. "Good morning, Elizabeth," he greets me kindly. "Hope you're doing well."

Ginny, his youngest and only daughter, gives me a tired but friendly smile from where she's seated, her red hair a bit dishevelled from the excitement of the morning.

Molly, the heart, and soul of the Weasley family, busily moves about the kitchen, tending to the culinary magic. She announces, "We're heading to Diagon Alley today, everyone. We need to pick up some supplies for the new year. It's going to be a busy day, so make sure to eat up and get ready!"

The mention of Diagon Alley fills me with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. It's a place where magic truly comes to life, and it's a reminder that a new school year at Hogwarts is just around the corner. As we dig into the hearty breakfast spread, I can't help but feel grateful for the warmth and hospitality of the Weasley family, who have welcomed me into their home and their hearts.

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