Chaste In Front Of The Cameras

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Chapter Three
Chaste In Front Of The Cameras

I think. When I wrote this chapter. I couldn't stop smiling. I probably looked like a complete weirdo. Whatever :/


"Melody," mum yells from downstairs, I groan, covering my head with the blanket. What is it, the first week? Four days?

Well, I've been in my room. My body rebuilding the energy its been drained off from from two years of guilt and way-past-midnight overthinking.

So here I am, a pillow over one arm. And another draped over my head under the covers. Trying to block out my mothers voice. My watch beeps, and I check the time, one pm.

And I successfully ignore the fact. And fall back to sleep.


My watch beeps right next to my ear, and I jump out of my skin. The sound draining what sleep I had left in me . . . momentarily.

My head collapses back onto the pillow with a leaping heart. But it doesn't take long before sleep over powers again.

But of course. My mum had to call my name. "Melody," she shouts, "come down now."

My stomach growls in response. But I don't give in, I sandwich my head between two pillows. But despite my body, my head lurks around boredom. I can't sleep, even though my body greedily takes my mothers pity into advantage.

"Poor girl," she said on my first night. "She must be so tired from the flight, let's leave her, Chad. Maybe she'll get up tomorrow."

But of course I didn't. Expect for when I needed to pee. Or shower, or brush my teeth. But the longest I stayed out of bed was one hour, no more. There was limits to staying in bed for four days bed.

My stench is one thing that took me to my limit. And that was my breath and body odour. I couldn't live a day without brushing or showering. Showering maybe. Definitely not brushing.

Mum calls again, "Mel? Are you up?"

No mum, I'm clearly ignoring you because I'm awake.

I know I'm being hypocritical, but this is what happens when I don't sleep.

I close my eyes again getting ready to sleep. But then the blanket is stripped from my body in a swift movement. The sunlight from the gaps of the curtains dazzling me and I'm momentarily blind.

"Shit," I rasp. Burying my head in the pillow. The other covering my head got swept away with the blanket. My entire body ices under new temperature. A fucking freezing one for that matter.

I flash my eyes open, readying myself to give this bastard a piece of my mind. "What the-"

And then I see him. Standing there with my blanket in his hand, and a smirk on his lip.

I scramble to my pillow, covering my chest. "Conrad," I breathe. "When did . . . how did . . . " I catch my breath for a moment. Looking around frantically.

"Afternoon love," he smiles and I blush. Fuck this is embarrassing.

My entire body boils, my heart pumping against my ribs. I probably look like a crazy person. God knows how long ago I've brushed my hair. Showering is one thing I can't stand, but brushing my hair? I could go a few days without a comb and still live with myself.

"Conrad," I say again. "When did you . . . "

"The moment your watch beeped its four pm. But I doubt you even knew it. You were to busy sandwiching your head with pillows."

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