Feline creatures: Part 4

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Black Panther

Haha.. I came to know about them because of Jungle Book.. Bagira looks so cute 😭 ... I hope it's his name..

Anyways.. Manner manner mode.

Black panthers have extraordinary eyesight.

They have an incredible sense of smell.

Panthers are actually leopards or Jaguar.

They can hunt at night and that's why they are different from others.

They can see even in zero light.

They are powerful hunters.

They have strong and flexible bodies, long tails which give them good balance.

They are powerful and fearless

They won't attack you until and unless you step on their territory, hurt them in any way or disturb their habitats.

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What they eat?

They eat raccoons, dear and wild hogs.

Weight and size


The shoulder height is 18 to 31 inches. Males are about 30% larger than females, weighing 66 to 200 pounds compared to 51 to 130 pounds for females.

Go on diet you male felines!!!

Ahem.. Just kidding..

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Young Panthers are more aggressive with compare to a older one.

Female panthers generally gets aggressive in metting season because males come in their area for matting.

And don't worry, they won't mind your existence until you step in their territory.

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Where they live?

They mainly live in Africa but are also found in many Asian countries such as India and China.

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Life span


The entire lifespan of a panther is about 12-15 years in total.

However, when in captivity the lifespan may increase up to 23 years.

Something about baby cubs

A baby panther became mature at the age of 3

They take about 13 days to open their eyes.

After reaching the age of 9 months to 12, they catch small animals who, h are of course warm blooded such as mice.

They would start hunting from a very young age... (Crying in the corner where sun doesn't shine.)


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Anything else you want to know about them?

Next: Dinosaur. But which? It's secret but let me give you a hint... a bunny is in love with that dinosaur.

Heheehhe ≧﹏≦

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