Eating Out, Shared Desires and Bliss!

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Shouta was on Cloud Nine. Over the moon. He couldn't recall a time in his life when he was happier than the first three months of his relationship with Oboro and Hizashi. The day following their conversation that previous afternoon, he'd been handed a notebook and a pen from both men. Insisting he write down his hard limits, his good limits, and what was or was not okay. What he wanted from the relationship, what he needed, and who he'd want certain things from. It had been startling to feel the slight change.

The somberness. But once he had begun writing? When he was tucked between Hizashi and Oboro, their heads resting on his shoulders, with fingers toying with his hair? The words came rushing out of him. Faster, faster, faster. Until he had a full page filled with the playfully ordered words of both his boyfriends' for him to write down his limits. What he was and wasn't okay with. What was allowed or not allowed. It all came gushing with each thing he wrote down until he was flipping it to write on the back with surge.

After filling the back portion of the page, the blonde and blue-haired man had told him to keep the notebook for their therapy appointment the next day. Promising him it would be fine. It was amazing how easily he was soothed away when fingers were playing with his hair. Stroking his cheeks with warm lips pressing to his cheeks until he was lounging back with them. When they were curling up for his second night there with Oboro tucked between them this time round. An arm around his waist and Hizashi's.

Resting his head on the blue-haired man's chest when Hizashi's hand had stretched over his stomach to find his. Interlocking with his own. It had given him a euphoria that damn near choked him. Their first appointment had been by far the most productive therapist appointment he'd been too when handing over his paper to the therapist. Discussing with Oboro and Hizashi what he'd written, what he'd want and his own boundaries circling it. One appointment led to two. Then three. And fourth appointment.

Before he knew it, going to this therapist was a common occurrence with the two other men but they were flourishing. Growing together. He'd never thought in a million years he would be living the dream. Those desperate dreams on the nights he spent curled with his own arms around himself had been agony. Imagining and fantasizing what it would be like to have one chance only to have it become reality. He never thought he'd have the chance to know what it was like to be dragged into Oboro's lap.

Cuddled close to his chest. He didn't think he'd ever get the chance to scoop Hizashi up and shower that freckled face in kisses the way Oboro did. He never thought he'd get to be greeted at the front door with arms and around his waist tugging him in. Kisses placed on his cheeks with soft croons as he happily turned himself over for the weekend sleepovers of theirs. And yet he was. He was getting everything he fantasized about and more from the two men who seemed to be ticking off each of those silent wants.

Desires. Fantasies he'd never breathed out loud all by simply being caring partners for him. In those first two months, he couldn't get enough. Sex had, briefly, flickered across his mind but it had been lost. Forgotten under the hands tugging him to their bed. The hands twisted in his hair when he was held close with lips on his own. In curling up in bed after knocking back his pills only to be squished up with them. The simplicity of being loved by them had fueled him for months. Had kept him content.

The afternoons he spent over grading work in the kitchen while Hizashi prepared their lunches for work the next day. To get Oboro's ready for his night shift were the best. All he'd wanted for so long was to simply be held by them. Being loved as he loved them. And he had gotten it tenfold by both men until he felt sick off of it. He had felt like a lovestruck teen walking home after each weekend he spent with both of his boyfriends'. Flushed. He couldn't get enough of simply staring at their hands in his.

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