Good Vibes, Thigh Rides, and a Feverish Heat!

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It wasn't uncommon for Shouta to stop by his boyfriends home. In the five months they'd been dating, the two men had been overenthusiastic about him letting himself in if he was in the area after work. That it didn't matter if one, both, or no one was at home when he came by. That it was as much his space now as it was the both of theirs and they were more than willing to give him all the permission to use his spare key to let himself into the home. Just as he had given them both spare keys to his apartment.

At least, once he had gotten the approval of his landlord who okayed it. He had been painfully awkward about simply letting himself in the few times he'd been in the kitchen those early mornings. Had felt as if he were intruding on their private space despite their words. But the delight on Hizashi's face when he stumbled out to find him attempting to make breakfast? The absolute joy on Oboro's as he was struggling to get out of bed when he walked in with a coffee? It had been unbelievably heartwarming.

Endearing to see both of his boyfriends so delighted to see him in those early morning hours. To see Hizashi spring up off the couch in the afternoons he stopped by after work when he had the time. When he was being heaved into Oboro's arms after the blue-haired man returned from a run to the corner store. There had been plenty of times he'd woken in his apartment to find his blonde boyfriend in the kitchen making breakfast. When a coffee was handed to him from Oboro while they played with his cats.

Letting himself in, of course, was an awkward affair that he had long since become accustomed too in the past two months. With coaxing from both of his boyfriends with their reassurances, it had felt comfortable entering the home. When he'd crash on their bed for an impromptu nap for a few hours after work. Waking to find fingers intertwined loose with his along with the warmth of a body curling into his back and a face nuzzling itself to his shoulder. An arm draped over his waist to hug him close to a broad chest.

Both men curled up against him with those slow, even breaths of their own gave him a warmth like none other. Five months was a long time for him to be with someone given how his previous relationships had gone. He'd never been with someone long enough to reach such a milestone but he was more than giddy at the milestone of their relationship. That the feelings he'd feared would waver or fizzle out had merely been strengthened over time. The adoration he feared would vanish that merely showed itself more clearly.

The smitten expression on Hizashi's face when they had a moment alone. The adoration in Oboro's gaze when they were curled up on those Friday nights waiting for Hizashi to come home in those early hours. He didn't need to hear it to know it was there. To know his feelings in their entirety was given back to him with a force he never imagined receiving from them both. However, nothing melted him more than the glances he caught out of the corner of his eye. The soft smiles with that gentle pride.

The lovestruck, besotted look he'd catch on the onlookers face when he was curled in an embrace. It was an adoring, soft smile that wreaked havoc in his system when he caught it. A look that followed him home until he fell into his bed after his weekend away. "Swooning" as Nemuri would playfully call it but there was no other word for it, was there? He'd be left with that flushed warmth after a weekend away that was only strengthened each time. Weekends filled with days that left him buzzing with that joy.

And then Oboro and Hizashi suggested they begin extending his stays at therapy which he was more than receptive too. Rather than three nights away, they chose five. Friday to Tuesday. It was easily arranged for him to bring his cats with him on his stay over given how well they'd gotten along with Oboro's and Hizashi's. Five days of soaking up the affection, the adoration, he could share freely with his boyfriends. Five days that left him weak kneed and flushed with each bit of affection given to him.

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