Colten Gunn- Nurse me

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Summary: Colten gets injured in a match and when he gets home his girlfriend Avery nurses him back to health

Tw⚠️: Fluff, smut, and any mistakes I might have

Coltens Pov
It is the day before I wrestle and k haven't left yet because the arena isn't far from where I lived so I decided to spend the day with Avery.

"We need to go grocery shopping baby" I said walking from the kitchen in my shorts

"We can go now if you want to?" She looks from the tv

I went upstairs getting dressed in a casual outfit and matching shoes with Avery then went downstairs getting the dogs ready to take them with us

I put the dog in the backseat putting the windows down so they can stick their head out it to get fresh air as we drove there.

I cracked the windows so the dogs can still get fresh air while Avery and I are shopping, we walk in grabbing a shopping cart pushing it in a random direction

"I got a list I made while you was sleep last night"

"Good what's first on the list baby"

"Bread and dairy stuff" she said as I started to push the cart in that direction

"We got any more errands to do today?" I ask grabbing the bread as she grabbed the eggs

"Yeah we have the dogs grooming appointments today after we finish here"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that"

"What's next on the list?"

"The meat for cookout that we're gonna have at the house soon" she added "what meat do you want babe?"

I just looked at her

"Colten be serious" she chuckled

"Seriously though we can do Ribs"

She nods as she grabs them putting it in the cart

We got the rest of the groceries then went home putting them away and going straight to the dog groomers.

Avery and I sat down as Athena was put on the table first as Clay was waiting next to us for his turn. I pet Clay as the groomer began to wet Athena's fur scrubbing the shampoo in then rinsing it out repeating the same thing again. I pick up Clay putting him on my lap petting him while Athena is getting conditioned then blow dried.

When Athena was done she came over to us sitting as the dog groomer took Clay putting him on the table and in the harness.

"You did a good job, good girl" I said petting her

While Clay was getting taken care of I went back and forth with being on my phone and messing with Athena.

After we got done there we went back home and relaxed, I went to the kitchen making popcorn for Avery and I while we watch a movie before we go to sleep. I watch the popcorn pop as I begin to think when I'm going to propose to her and I hope I'm ready to soon. When the popcorn is done I put it in a bowl sitting down leaning on her as the movie starts.

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