-𝟎𝟎𝟗 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬

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"Put your trust in me, you have no one else

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"Put your trust in me, you have no one else."

The bell finally rang, summer break was upon us. I immediately sprinted up my seat and so did Beverly. We ran through the halls laughing and yelling. Fuck this school.

  I was excited, today
me and the rest were gonna go to this cool lake that was under a cliff. I told Beverly about it and she agreed to come along, she said something along the lines of, "If you go..I'm willing to come with you..!" I don't know exactly what she meant but she was probably just as excited as I was.

  I grabbed her hand and ran as the air flowed my skirt backwards. I didn't catch the blush that emerged on her face. We made it out the school and stopped for a second to catch our breaths. I bent down a bit putting my hands on my knees. She did the same.

  "God (y/n)! Did we have to run?" She said in between laughs. "Sorry but I just couldn't stand being in there anymore!" I laughed and stood up. When I took a glance in front of me I noticed the guys standing there including Ben. They were all standing near their bikes looking a bit intimidating. I knew they were upset...but at what?

  I made my way over with Beverly but this time it was her who grabbed my hand. For the first time I caught my self blushing at a simple action. My cheeks felt warm, but why? I looked at our hands, she kept looking forward, and so did I. There was a split second where I could've sworn their expression changed to that of a mad man.

  When we finally stopped in front of them Beverly reluctantly let go of my hand, the warmness soon left my hand, I frowned a bit but also retracted my hand. As soon as I did Stan immediately pulled me into his embrace with no warning. It made my eyes widen but I didn't resist, instead I just stood there dumbfounded. "How's your day so far princess?" I blushed hard, "Princess?" Asked Beverly. Her mood was visibly upset and confused. "What? Is it wrong to call my girlfriend princess?" He cocked an eyebrow and my eyes widened. Am I hearing things or did he say girlfriend? I stood there before backing up, as I did he only tightened his grip on me. "D-Did you say girlfriend..?" Beverly asked, her tone a bit stern. From the corner of my eye I saw the rest smirk, is this a prank?

  Beverly started to clench her fists, "Is something the matter Beverly?" Said Richie, his tone a bit sarcastic, it was obvious he was teasing her.
She sighed and let go of her clenched fists, "No..everything's fine.." she said, she tilted her head down, I could've sworn I heard Bill snicker.
I still thought it was some sort of joke on Beverly, I mean none of us were dating, we were just friends with benefits, yeah...that's what we were...

  "So are we gonna go to the lake...?" I asked still in Stan's arms. The awkward silence getting to me "Oh yeah, we should probably hurry, before it starts to get dark." Said Stan, he let go of me but grabbed my hand instead, he dragged me towards his bike.
Beverly was still dumbfounded but made her way over to her own bike.

  The smile that was once on her face turned lopsided, I saw her clench the handle on her bike.


  As I was analyzing the area, I noticed it was a giant cliff that led down to the river/lake, exactly how Richie mentioned. I caught myself staring, embarrassed I stopped, I noticed most of the guys were already at the cliff, my eyes widen and I blushed. They were already clothe-less except their boxers they kept on, my eyes wandering their toned bodies. Except Ben, I caught myself smiling, he was truly a ball of sunshine.

  I turned to look at Beverly, her face showing disgust and annoyance. I looked back at the group of boys, they seemed hesitant to jump, mostly Ben, I say Stan and Richie smirk at me.

  I blushed as I slowly approached them, Beverly walking behind me with her arms crossed. I kept my gaze down, and once I was at the cliff, I slowly started to take off my clothes, except my undergarments of course.


  The girl started to get rid of her clothes, shoes and accessories that may get lost. She felt everyone's gaze in her, even Beverly's.

  As Beverly was already flustered, she tried to hide it as she took off her own clothes—throwing them to the side as she stood there in her undergarments. You averted everyone gaze as you were quite flustered and uncomfortable looking at that many people being half-naked.

  For a while no one moved, so you decided to take the first move feeling a bit confident, you took a deep breath and grabbed Beverly's hand, she quickly understood and her mood seemed to perk up.

Oh my god! She's touching my hand! Wait...do I? No that can't possibly be right, right?

  The orange head questioned her own well being.

  You quickly sprinted forward, Beverly slightly behind you as you both ran towards the cliff, once there you both jumped off and shrieked in fear and excitement.

  The guys eyes widened, some of them in shock, they approached the edge, making sure you were okay. They saw how your figure slowly turned small, and that's when the big splash happened,an echo was heard.

  For a few moments no sound was heard, prompting them to get worried, but then the sound of laughter was heard, some of them calmed down.

  "Did we just get showed by two girls?" Richie said, not targeting anyone in particular. His gaze in you, he saw as you splashed around the water: he saw how you and Beverly, were laughing together, fueling something in him, he then quickly ran to the edge, the rest cautiously following behind.

  Then all five jumped in, quite a cinematic moment, you turned your gaze up and smiled unknowingly watching them squirm In the air.

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