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Mumbai, India

Author pov

The ciber crime department of Mumbai was just peacefully working like any other normal day, when the department head of ciber crime got a mail from another country, he was indeed suprised cause ciber crime department of Mumbai never received a mail out side the country. The head department took his phone and called the head officer to inform her about the mail

On call

??: Hello, y/n?

Y/n: jay for the thousand time, no I didn't eat your last Slice of pizza so, stop bothering me

Jay: y/n this is not about the pizza, and no I won't believe you until I get a proff

Jay: y/n this is not about the pizza, and no I won't believe you until I get a proff

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Y/n: huh? Then what is it about?

Jay: well I suggest you to come here and take a look by your self

Y/n: ok I'll be there soon.

With that Jay ended the call and opened the mail it was from south korean crime branch department, just as he was about to read someone placed their hand on his shoulder to which Jay got scared and looked up in shock just to witness a smiling y/n. Jay got carried away while admiring her where as y/n looked at him and furled her eyebrows

Y/n: jay? Where are you lost?

Jay: huh? Oh nothing

Y/n: hmm, so why did  you call me? What was it that you wanted to show me?

Jay: well it's this

He said while pointing at his computer y/n looked at where he was pointing and saw an email was opened but, it was not an ordinary email it was an email from another country it self she looked at keenly and asked jay to open the email


Department head,
The Indian crime branch.

Sub: crime case of korea involves an South asian

Respected Sir/ma'am,
The Korean crime branch has written this letter, with respect to human trafficking crime.

Today near the country side of Seoul, in an abandoned building, 2 dead bodies of females was found. They looked south Asian and belong to one of the south Asian countries, so as to identify them we have sent the pictures of those girls, if they belong to your country please bring it to our notice so we could send them back, so their families can perform the last rituals.

Thank you for the time, please inform us as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Korean crime branch.

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