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A Rolls-Royce La Rose Noire Droptail known as the worlds most expensive car, stopped just before the entrance of the most modern and luxurious skyscraper, which is known popularly as the Mira corporation owned by the world's no 1 billionaire, KIM TAEHYUNG. The door of the rolls Royce was opened by one of the guards, as a brand-new Gucci shoe could be seen stepping out, as the door was opened a bit more the person owning the car came out and was meet with the flashes of cameras, he ignored the chaos and went inside with his hands inside his pocket.

Just as he entered he was greeted with a Chorus of 'good morning's', which were knowingly, completely unheard by him as he continued to walk towards the lift followed by his secretary who was going through his schedule for today, reaching on the top floor the lift opened with a 'dig' sound indicating their arrival. Taehyung walked towards his cabin and went inside but stopped when he found someone present inside his cabin.

Taehyung: Molly, what are you doing here?

Taehyung asked calmly but only he and his secretary knew how much of a self control it need for him to not order his man to throw her in his torture cell, few thing you would like to know about taehyung is that he hates women and someone who touches his property or invades his personal space

Molly: oh, V baby you came! I was waiting for from 8 o'clock.

Tae: as long as I remember the office it self opens at 10:00.

And it took every thing in the world for Mr cha his secretary to control his laughter. Ignoring molly he went and sat on his chair like a king and looked at molly with his dark eyes.

Molly: V baby what-

Tae: if you want stay alive you will stop calling me baby and get the fuck out of here, or I won't hesitate before giving you to our guards to have their way with you.

As he finished his sentence he went to his computer and started working while molly gulped and quickly ran outside the cabin to save her life, while Mr cha containing his laugh went towards his boss to give him some paper work regarding their new project.

Tae: cha what happened to the deal with Mr noir

Cha: sir Mr noir has agreed to all our conditions and will sign the agreement

Tae: tell him to sign it in front of me, today at 10:30 pm in ashtre club

Cha: sir, Mr noir is not currently in Korea he has went back to his home town Paris.

Tae: when will he be back?

Cha: sir by tomorrow.

Tae: ok, tell him to meet me when he arrives.

Cha: nae.


Mumbai crime branch

Walking through the corridor of the crime branch office, y/n stopped in front of the cyber department. she had got the news from jay that the two bodies have been identified by their respective families and she was here to collect there statment and Information as she also had a meeting with the home minister regarding this topic so she had to show them proof so she could go to Korea and investigate the case further with the korean police.

Y/n: jay the documents

Jay: oh my gosh! Girl stop scaring me

Y/n: I am sorry, but I am in a rush right now, I have a meeting with minister of Home affairs

Jay: here you go, and y/n-

Y/n: oh thank you so much jay, Ill talk to you later on byee.

Saying this she hugged him and went from there, while jay was in a complete daze as to what just happened, after a minute the situation sinked in his brain and he was smiling ear to ear he really was whipped for her.

On the other hand

Y/n was inside the meeting room discussing with the minister about the proofs and the problem going on. She indeed had a tuff time explaining the dum and uneducated minister about the situation but some how managed to do it.

Y/n: and that's all sir.

Minister: miss y/n I understood what you are trying to say but in how many days will you solve this case

Y/n: sir it depends, but I am sure a month is enough for me

Minister: ok then I will make arrangements for you to leave in a week

Y/n: sir please do it today, cause I want leave tomorrow as the more we delay the more the risk of more lives getting destroyed

Minister: I agree to you miss but-

Y/n: please sir it is very crucial for those girls, please sir.

Minister: ok, my pa will forward you all the documents you will be needing

And he left from there, she smiled and started packing her things and left from the meeting hall with a smile on her face. She came out side the building and went towards the car that was parked out side, dumping all her stuff in the back seat she quickly went in the driving seat and started driving not before calling her friend.

Y/n: jay! Guess what!

Jay: what happened? Did you finally find your brain?

Y/n: haha very funny.

Jay: so, what happened?

Y/n: I am giving to Korea tomorrow!

Jay: what! How did you manage to convince that fat dum fuck?

Y/n: don't ask me, I just did it and I am going tomorrow.

Jay: well congrats to you and best of luck, call me before boarding the plane

Y/n: of course, ok then byee

Jay: byee

And with that she cut the call and focused on driving when the signal turned red, she stopped her car and looked at the side walk, when she saw a mother holding her daughters and asking her about her day in school, and she felt an empty void in her heart, she was orphan and never had the chance to feel the parental love and always carved for it, giving a sad smile to herself she started the car as the signal had turned green.

Y/n: I wish someone could love me too

So how was it? Do vote and comment and tell me, ok byee love you all 💜💜✨

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