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"According to Dad's journal," Dean begins as he reenters the bar with his bowlegged stride, "we can't exactly kill it, but we can send it back to hell." He closes the leather bound journal forcefully, the sound of the book snapping shut causing me to jump a little.

"So we can send it back?" I ask as I hand Sam another stick of chalk. I look up to him, standing on a table, as he draws a demon trap on the ceiling. "And you really think this will hold it?"

"Hopefully. At least for a little bit." He admits wearily. "We're just counting on you to lead it in there so we can do so."

Inside, I feel Blurryface cringe. "What is it?"

"If you must stand in the demon trap, I must leave."

Nausea rises inside of me like a tidal wave. "Is that what you are?"

"Sort of."

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

"Sabby." Dean's voice cuts my conversation with Blurry short as I turn to face him. He rests a hand on my shoulder. "Bar opens in ten minutes." His bright eyes search my face, his mouth set into a firm line. "Are you ready?"

I feel Blurry disappear completely, my body suddenly feeling lighter than air underneath Dean's hand. "Yeah. I got this."

I look over my shoulder to see that Sam has nearly finished the trap. He momentarily glances down at Dean and I, offering us a weak, sad smile. "I hope this all works."

Suddenly Dean is at my ear, his scruff scratching the side of his face as his lips graze my ear. "If this all goes right, what do you say we head back to your place, eh?" Although I can't see his expression, there's a smile in his voice.

I put my hand on his chest and stand on my tiptoes. "I don't think so, Winchester." I murmur lowly, shoving him a bit.

He raises an eyebrow, his eyes glimmering with mischief. "You'll change your mind." He assures me - maybe himself.

I hear Nikki snort from her perch behind the bar. She rolls her eyes at Dean's commentary, an eyebrow raised, her mouth twisted into some expression that stradled the line between amusement and disgust. "Keep it PG, guys."

"Hey, what I said was PG!" Dean retorts quickly, laughing. "But what I intended wasn't." He winks at me, nudging me with his arm. I can't help but sigh. Why did I ever speak to him?

"Watch it, kid!" Austin half-jokes. "That's my sister you're talking to!"

Dean's face reddens as he horrifiedly looks back and forth between Austin and myself. "Are you two really...?"

I feel my face scrunch up in sheer awe at how stupid Dean is being at this very second. "Do we look anything alike to you?"

"No. Definitely not. He's a bright ass ginger." Sam cackles momentarily at his brother's response as he finishes the demon trap on the ceiling. "And you're like, not."

I widen my eyes and contort my mouth until my upper lip more than likely resembles a beak. I spread my palms and shake my hands like rattles. "That's because he was kidding." I hiss, my voice taking on a sarcastic tone.

"Nya nya nya nya nya." He mocks, crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out at me.

The lights in the bar begin to flicker and Nikki gasps. Austin pulls her close, pouring salt in a circle around the two of them. He shares a fleeting glance with Sam, who moves the step ladder from beneath the trap. Sam nods once, sucking in his cheeks, his eyes flat and determined. He looks down towards me. "You ready?"

I Have Two Faces; Blurry is the One I'm NotWhere stories live. Discover now