🍄Chapter 14🍄

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It's already been about four days since my first mark, and they all have been on edge every time they get too close to me. I can feel it hit me that they are close even when I'm not looking, a buzz runs through my body, warming me in all the right places.

It's about noon and most of the boys are already at the pool side because we decided to have a relaxing afternoon outside by the pool having lunch. I'm in the kitchen getting me some water before going outside, as I hear the sliding glass door open.

 I'm in the kitchen getting me some water before going outside, as I hear the sliding glass door open

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Even if I can't see him, I can hear Lee Know yell for me to get I.N. because he was the last person we were waiting for. I put my cup down, walking up the stair to his room, which was right across from mine. I knock on the door; I got no response.

I knock again, "I.N." with no response. I turn the knob slowly, letting myself in, "Woah."

I look around the room wide eyed, failing to notice a tall figure leaning on the wall

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I look around the room wide eyed, failing to notice a tall figure leaning on the wall. "Whatcha doin my lil firecracker?" I jump a little, turning around to see I.N standing against the wall with his arms crossed, with a smirk.

I roll my eyes looking away, crossing my own arms as well, " Listen asshole, Lee Know said to come on, that you're the last on-." I'm cut off by a light growl that sends slight chills down my body.

I turn my head back to see a long black-haired man staring me down, with bright glowing bright blueish-green eyes. I take notice now that he is in red swim trunks and nothing else, his broad tone chest all out on display.

My body sending sparks to different places inside me, as my heart starts to pound almost out of my chest. With my emotions on first gear, I can feel his are skyrocket. He pushes off the wall, undoing his arms as he slowly stalking towards me, not moving his vision off me.

I start walking backwards till I'm stopped by the wall behind me, our body's so close, craving to be touched as they heat up. I'm looking at my feet till I feel a finger under my chin, lifting my head so my eyes reach his.

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