06 - meant to be🥂

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ship: shoto todoroki + momo yaoyorozu.

"Don't pay any attention to the silly idea of soulmates! If you're anything of worth, you'll marry to produce strong offspring, like I did!" rang the voice of Shoto Todoroki's father in his head. He was always so rebellious against him that he considered marrying his soulmate anyway, but now that it was the day he was supposed to meet said soulmate, he was nervous and worried.

He told himself it was just because meeting one's soulmate is a fairly big deal, but secretly he was anxious about what his father, Endeavor, the number two hero, would say. His father was always so caught up in making sure that either he or Shoto surpassed All Might that the punishment might be brutal, aka: deadly.

He secretly hoped that his soulmate happened to have a strong quirk to match with his own so that he could go both the rebellious and obedient path, in a way.

Shoto quickly looked at his wrist, only minutes left on it. He stood in front of the door that led to class 1-A of UA, and knew that his soulmate was behind it.

Not wanting to give little time for himself to psych up for talking to that special someone for the first time, he opened the door and scanned the students. He was one of the first ones there, leaving little options.

Shoto found his assigned seat, which was next to a girl with her black hair tied up in a ponytail. With a thump in his heart, he knew she was the one.

"Aren't you... Todoroki?" she asked. Shoto gripped the edge of his desk.

─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

Momo Yaoyorozu waited for the boy to answer her question.

"Yes," he finally answered, and his grip on his desk loosened. Momo had noticed him grasp it when she asked him if he was Todoroki.

"Well, it must be nice to have direct training from a pro hero," Momo commented.

"It's really not," Todoroki stressed. "I'd prefer if you didn't mention him just now."

"Okay," Momo agreed. She realized from his tone that it must be a touchy subject, and lept off because of that. She did, however, notice the digital blue numbers on his wrist shining all zeroes.

With a start Momo checked her own, seeing all zeroes.

"My father doesn't want me to marry my soulmate unless they have a quirk that would strengthen my kids," Todoroki explained, seeing Momo doing that.

"You're lucky I do." Momo knew that their relationship was going to be difficult, but she's the right person for him.

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