Author's Note

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Hello fellow readers , I would like to say thank you for choosing this novel/Wattpad story to read! I am very thankful and glad that you have chosen this 🤍

Although please consider that this is my first time creating/writing a novel or a story on Wattpad I have no clue nor idea how this fantasy fiction would turn out to be.

I am also creating this novel because I have been inspired for many years now , so I have decided to create this novel for fun purposes only and for entertainment.

Take Notes:

English isn't my first language so be observant of my grammar and errors.

I am only a minor for who only write this novel for fun.

Consider that I wouldn't be publishing much of a chapter in this novel due to my schoolwork  and much more.

Some of the words and contents in this future novel aren't really suitable for minors (as for myself 😥)

If you truly want to read my novel please be prepared that there will be harsh and bad influence on minors behavior and actions due to my novel.

That would be the end of my take notes! If you are wondering how old I am considering going to my profile and looking through my bio , and you'll know how old I am! 👾

Although I would like no one to complain about how old I am , because I don't tolerate such cyber bullying especially if you don't know someone in such person in person , because you never know what they are going through right now and you are being more of a problem to their problems.

And thank you for reading my note! It is well appreciated! 🫶🏻ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ

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