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Hello ! We met again my dear fellow readers ! This time I would like to introduce some of the novel characters that would be introduced in this novel.


Main/Lead characters:

Princess Odelya Constantinescu
Prince Lucian Ludwig Probst
Lady Aeries Jane Gazette

Sub Character:
King Caius
Queen Adalya Constantinescu
King Endymion Constantinescu
Maid (1) Harmony Esteban


I wouldn't still add those side characters to this novel since I haven't started this novel yet , although when I did start the novel I would put the side characters list on this introduction of this novel 😺


About the Princess Odelya Constantinescu:

☆ Age — In her past self in the prologue she is still 10 years old but in the present chapter she is now currently at her 17th birthday ( years old )

☆ Lover — She currently have no lover nor a romantic feelings for someone yet , although in some future chapters I will be updating this introduction to put her lover.

☆ Friends/allies — Hesperia Cortex , Cassette Juvuan , Aeries gazette , and Anastasia Beverly

☆ Likes — She really likes sea foods like shrimps and seaweeds (that is edible) , she also likes sweet's and sour foods , likes to bake and read books , last but not the list this one person. (Jk)

☆ Dislikes — She not only dislikes people who tolerates bad behavior and continuesly embarrass people she also despise them , she really dislikes people who only friends/likes her for her money , she afraid of spiders so she despise it , she's not much of a fan of spicy foods , she doesn't like being awoken up from her lovely sleep.

☆ Hobbies — Cooking , baking , reading, sleeping, painting, playing a violin , using a sword , and lastly sewing.


About the Prince Lucian
Ludwig Probst:

☆ Age — In the prologue it was said that he was two years older to odelya so that makes him 12 years old from the past, but now in the current chapter he is now 19 years old.

☆ Lover — He currently has no lover nor romantic feelings for someone yet , although in some future chapters I will be updating this introduction to put his lover.

☆ Friends/Allies — still unknown, it will be presented in future chapters.

☆ Likes — still unknown, it will be presented in future chapters.

☆ Dislikes — still unknown, it will be presented in future chapters.

☆ Hobbies — still unknown, it will be presented in future chapters.


Okay so just quick note for me or so whatever 😥😥
Some parts of the chapters are based in real life , yes you have read it right based on real life experience of myself !! Well just some of the novel chapters not all of it , remember this is a fantasy novel and not modern , every fantasy novel isn't based on the modern year like what we are now , on my behalf it is based on centuries ago? If so for example like Anne of cleves is from centuries ago if I am not mistaken? Well that's all for now for this introduction ! May we met again in another chapter! 🤍🤍🤍

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