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In the kingdom of Barbaña there was a ruler named Queen Adalya who was just a young woman in her 20s , her appearance was to describe skin like snow , lips as rose , hair like silk , eyes like the color of the sky , That's what they describe

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In the kingdom of Barbaña there was a ruler named Queen Adalya who was just a young woman in her 20s , her appearance was to describe skin like snow , lips as rose , hair like silk , eyes like the color of the sky , That's what they describe. But never perfect. Although there's this one person who sees her perfectly , that is so perfect that no one could ever be perfect as her. Come from her kind nature and beautiful appearance who else could be as perfect as her? Living her best life in her early 20s some say.

- Year 1890 April 5th -

The clear sky turned black as the clouds gathered a small drop of the rain started pouring heavily and the storm arrived it kept raining until night time screams and shouting was Heard in the palace it was coming inside of the Queens Chamber there were lots of maids helping the doctor fixing the clothes of the being born child , the pain that was the queen being felt hurts for the kings feelings so he spoke softly looking at the doctor besides the queen helping her with her birth "Doctor , do you think she'll be alright?" He was looking anxious and couldn't stop tapping his fingers on the coffee table besides the couch and the doctor looked at the king and spoke "Yes , yes your highness, her highness will be alright please do not worry." The king sighed on relief as he continued to be waiting for the baby and for the queen.

A moment or so the baby was born healthy and safe the queen couldn't help but cry in joy as she chuckled softly "ah.. finally she's born." The king softly spoke and went closer to the child of his while one of the maids was still dressing the baby in it's proper clothing , the king smile and gently touched his child cheeks "Her skin Is smooth as silk and pale as a snow.." he smiled and chuckled moreover he gently took his child from the maid. He walks towards the queens bed and gently handed it to lady Adalya , as he gave the child to his beloved lady Adalya spoke "This child.. will be the next in my throne. She's.. perfect.." The queen cried with joy as she pulled her child closely to her and a faint smile was seen in her face.

The doctor fixed all the mess in the Queen's chamber and stood up and went up to the two rulers "His highness and your highness I would like to say that.. the child is just perfect as you" and the doctor smiled and took her stuff and politely asked to leave the chamber. And so everything changed when Princess Odelya Constantinescu was born. They named the princess after her mother's name.

- Year 1900 April 5th -

It's a sunny morning in the kingdom of Barbaña birds chippering outside as the maids Opened the curtains in the room of the Young princess Odelya who is now in her 10th birthday one of the maids gently woke her up as the Princess slowly opened her eyes, the wind flows in her face as she stretched her arms and yawned "Good morning~ princess Odelya , how was your sleep princess?" The maid smiled at the princess and softly asked how she was. The young Princess yawned who seemed to be half asleep still she answered softly "good morningggg~ my sleep was sooo good! Because today is my 10th birthday!" The princess stood up from her bed as she excitedly jumped over and over to her bed as the maid chuckled because of her cute behavior she's doing right now "Princess please , do not jump on the bed that much you might fall and bang your head on the floor." The maid said in a sincere and concerned voice "do nooot worrryyy Harmonyyyyy~ I'm a big girl now don't you see??" The princess stopped jumping and sat down on her bed pouting, then the maid service sighed and leaned closer to the princess and patted her head "please princess her highness will be very devastated if the princess is gone my dear." The princess herself sighed and just nodded her head and stood up.

As the maid led the princess to her bathroom there was a knock on the princess chamber and the door slowly creeked A heel tap echoed around the room and a slight chuckle was heard "oh my dear Odelya, my dear are you awake?" A soft and gentle voice called out and the princess quickly ran to greet her beloved mother De Lady Adalya "mother!! Mother!! Can you guess how old I am! Also good morning motherrr!! Is papa awake too?" The princess excitedly exclaimed to her mother as the queen chuckled softly and bent down a little "Yes my dear , your dear father is now awake , and I congratulate you a happiest happy birthday my beloved daughter!" The queen smiled so warmly and kissed her cheek "mother is so cheeky!!" The princess pout and the queen chuckled once more as she spoke softly " my dear , is it cheeky? My apologies mother just couldn't help but kiss your cheeks." " Hmph.. I guess!!" Both of them chuckled and the maid excused the princess to take a bath "I am very truly sorry for interrupting the moment your highness, but I believe that I would be needing to take the princess for a bath now" The maid bowed deeply and the queen herself got back to her proper posture and fixed her gown " yes you may take and led her to the bathroom my dear" The Queen smiled as she left the chambers of her daughter.

As the queen left the maid continued to lead the princess to the bathroom and a minute or so the princess was fresh once again her blonde hair like honey shinning as the princess gracefully swayed her hands on the bath. The princess was now thinking what to wear for her birthday whether it should be purple and white or pink and white? "Lady harmony.. what dress should I wear! I couldn't choose from this doezen of dresses.." the princess sighed and crossed her arms as she pouted like a cute doll. Then the maid finally spoke with a gentle tone "Princess.. I believe that this dress will suit you the best." The maid smiled and the princess's eyes shined as she giggled.

- Time check 10:30am -

It was almost for the princess 10th birthday and she all prepared her hair was tied up in braids her dress perfectly suits her everything. When I said everything, everything was well prepared by all of the butlers and maids , an hour or so nobles from different regions had arrived with their own beloved daughter and sons.

As all the nobles walk inside of the palace luxury and expensive decorations greeted them as the maids soon greeted them and led them to their very own tables, one side is for adults and one side is for children's. A minute or so the lights centered on the grand staircase as a the Queen herself led her beloved daughter down the stairscase holding her hands as she smiled sweetly to her daughter as she spoke softly "Welcome everyone ! Every nobles and every children thank you for coming to my daughter's happiest 10th birthday. Today I , the queen chuckled of Barbaña will hope that all of you will have fun , so please don't be afraid to have fun or enjoy this day. That is all I wanted to say thank you." As the queen bowed deeply and let go of her daughters hand.

The princess took a moment before speaking out of her heart "Thank you all for coming at my party! Like what my beloved mother said please do enjoy this day , we have all prepared this for all of you nobles to have fun. Thank you again!" The princess quickly bowed deeply as she wents to her mother's back go hide, since she was so shy her mother and father couldn't help but chuckle at her cute behavior.

As All the nobles had fun the princess herself sneaked in the garden to have some time alone for herself , there she found a boy who seemed two years older than her and a bit taller for 4 inch. There , there was a young prince but still the princess doesn't know if he is or not so , the young prince has black hair as a nigth sky , red eyes as a blood , sharp pupils like the sharks tooth , and pale skin like hers , he seemed to be wearing a black and red royal clothing and a sword beside his hips , while his holding a beautiful rose he went closer to the princess and spoke coldy yet gentle "My greetings Princess Odelya Constantinescu. I greet you the happiest 10th birthday my princess. Please do accept this rose." The prince lips curve into smirk with a faint blush on his cheeks as the princess kindly accepted his gift "Thank you.. prince?" She looked at him confused on what's his name as the prince chuckled "you'll know soon my dear Oldeya. For that I shall go now." The prince quickly vanished in the dark as the princess stood there looking more confused by what a coincidence or accident just happened.


I see we have met again ! Please do tell me in the comments if you liked the prologue or not ! And what mistakes I have made with my grammar so I can fix it. Again thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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