The Knighting ceremony

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"You're doing it wrong."

The young man groaned and tried to improve his posture. "Better now?"
"Still wrong."
"Why !?" No answer came, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts. He groaned and fell to the ground. "I don't understand what I'm doing wrong! And you're not explaining at all!"
"I'm not here to explain everything to you. I'm here to guide you."

Infuriated, the Viking rose to his feet, took his lightsabers, and stormed out of the room, slamming the door. A miracle when you realized that those doors were opening by the side and totally automated. He didn't care if he looked like a grumpy child, pouting, but he didn't understand. And his second master was not helping, at all.

"Alex?" He ignored that person, not even realizing who it was. But Master Plo Koon was stubborn. Maybe not as much as him, but still stubborn, and he caught his arm.
"Let me go! I don't wanna-" he cut himself, staring at his Büir. "Sorry." He said, but still trying to pull his arm off Plo's hands. The latter brought him closer, hugging him. They were in a rather private area of the Jedi Temple, so the Shadow-to-become let it happen.
"Are you alright?" The younger one huffed. "This is not an answer my dear. I would like you to tell me what is wrong." This time he turned his head, not wanting to look at Plo Koon right now. He was so mad to not succeed at that simple task, that he would put his anger on anyone. "I can feel your anger, young one. Being alone won't solve anything."
"You don't know that!" He pulled away, once again, to fail, once again. "I don't wanna talk about this! I don't wanna be on Coruscant! I want to go home!" All the frustration was finally coming to the surface, drowning any rational thoughts. "I want my Büire! I want to see my friends!"

Everything was coming out now. The Jedi Master pulled his son to his chest, hushing him and lulling him a bit, to calm him down. After a bit more cries of frustration, Alex started to sob badly. He wanted to succeed so badly, he wanted so badly to take his revenge, but he was not good enough. It didn't matter if everyone said that he was so talented for his age, it was not enough. The murderer of his people had to pay. He had to die. In terrible pain.
But pain wasn't the Jedi way, so he couldn't ask anyone to help him achieve this goal. Not even Plo Koon. This was not the Jedi way. The only person he could ask was this ghost, who had been following him since the genocide. Not a Jedi ghost, but not a Sith ghost either. He was both during his life. And now he was helping Alex control the little part of the Dark Side he needed to succeed in his revenge. Not a lot, but he needed a bit of the Dark Side. Like Master Windu, but it would be very much not well seen from him, as everyone already thought he would Fall. It was false, of course, but still. No one, or nearly no one had faith in him.

He finally stopped sobbing in Plo's tunic but stayed against his Büir, feeling good and really safe here. Safe as he hasn't felt in many years.

"Do you feel better?"
"A bit... Don't wanna move though... Moving means you getting away from me. Don't wan' that..." He was tired now, as he slurred his word, a tiny bit. It made Plo laugh, so worth it.
"Yes, but I think you would appreciate the rest." The Viking groaned and pulled himself closer, snuggling against the Master's chest. "Alex, my dear. You can't stay here forever. Neither can I." That won another groan. "How about we go to my room? If people ask, we can just say we are going to meditate together." The young one sighed, understanding what the Kel Dor was doing, but pulled himself back.
"But we go to your room, not mine... I think Quinlan's here... And probably baby Aayla."

Plo nodded, taking the lead to his quarter. Alex followed quickly, even though he wanted nothing more than rest. Or think about the mistakes he made earlier. Maybe he could identify them now that he was calmer. And he could correct them. Probably.
Once they reached the door, Plo put his code in, and grabbed Alex's arm, once again, to put him on the couch. With a sigh, the young Viking sank into the fabric and padding of this comfortable couch.

Alex's knighting ceremonyWhere stories live. Discover now