07 - blank canvas 🔞

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ship: dabi/touya todoroki + tomura shigaraki/tenko shimura.

I wasn't sure when it all began. This sick obsession of mine. My constant desire to mark someone's skin, to leave an inerasable presence of my presence. It was because of this perverse desire that I knew something was seriously wrong in my head. I tried to appease it by keeping it to myself. By only marking up my skin and that was all, but soon I found myself dreaming about doing it to others. No matter how many times I burned myself or added stitches and piercings, it wasn't enough. All I had managed to do was make my desires stronger than they had ever been.

But lately my desires had gotten stronger and stronger with the introduction of a new person. He was in every way, not my type. He wasn't cute, extremely selfish almost bratty even. Just being near him pissed me off in a way that I couldn't even explain and yet he had one thing that was absolutely perfect for me, one thing that made my head drunk with lust.

His muted and pale white skin.

It was like porcelain. So white that in certain lighting it almost looked blue. But it wasn't perfect without blemishes. The idiot had almost permanently fucked over his lips and his neck was tragically ruined by his nails. But apart from these two sections, everything was untouched. It helped that this freak never wore anything that showed his skin and stayed indoors for the most part.

His skin was pale white, and I wanted nothing more than to mark it up. It was a blank canvas and I would be damned if I wasn't the artist that got the chance to paint on it.

You could say that I had become sickly obsessed with the idea of marking him up. I did everything I could to try to get him to be alone with me, to try and hint that I wanted nothing more than to strip him naked and just have my way with his body. But as childish as he is, he's extremely smart. I never hinted what my intentions were but I soon found myself not being able to even be in the same room as him unless someone else was there with us.

This just made me lust for him even more. He was my prey that I was stalking and god was I enjoying this sick game. I found myself jacking off to him on more than one occasion and after a couple of weeks, just thinking of him was enough for me to get hard. By the time three months had passed, my lust for him was unquenchable. I needed him.

I needed to fuck this freak and make his skin into my own art.

And then my prey let his guard down. It was a normal day everything was the same right down to Toga and Twice talking about the exact same thing they had the day before but it was at this moment that I noticed something was different. My little freak was nowhere to be seen. Immediately I asked around if anyone had seen him and that was when Kurogiri said that he was in his room, that he had stayed up all night and had slept in.

Everything fell into place so perfectly that I wasn't even surprised when I found his bedroom door unlocked, or when I was able to come inside without waking him up. And god was he a mess, even in his sleep he looked seriously fucked up. But in the midst of his freakiness, I saw a patch of white. I pushed the cover off of his leg and found that he was wearing boxers, exposing the skin of his legs and thighs.

I was right, they were blank canvases.

  ─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

I looked up to find the freak himself glaring down at me, the blood lust in his eyes making it really obvious to me that no matter the answer he would still try to kill me. Maybe it was because by this point I had already dug my own grave, or maybe it was because I was already so hard that I didn't care anymore.

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