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Nathan Carrea stood near the cafeteria with a clipboard in hand. The clipboard had a list of kids that were assigned to him.

He wasn't happy with the fact that he had to take care of some snobby children.

He was currently waiting for those snobby children to arrive, Tommy slater, Cindy Berman, and the rest of the counselors stood next to him, all waiting for the next bus of children to arrive.

A few children ran around, doing things they shouldn't be doing, but Nathan had zero energy to yell at them or tell them to quit it.

He was bored out of his mind when the bus finally arrived, and Tommy nudged his side, gaining Nathan's attention,

"You ready to get your first campers?" Tommy questioned, and Nathan huffed,

"Absolutely not." Tommy let's out a small laugh as the children started to walk out of the bus, and Nathan looked over, his eyes scanning over the children,

They were young, around their pre-teens, but only one caught his attention, a tall, lanky teen with puffy blonde hair,

His eyes were dull, distant, and cold, with no emotions behind those eyes. His skin was pale, and he was wearing black clothing with black Converse. His hand was clenched around his black backpack,

The teen intrigued Nathan, the mysterious aura radiating off of him interested Nathan.

He loved a good mystery, and this teen seemed to be a mystery that needed to be solved.

Nathan was slightly Startled as dull eyes met his, those eyes felt like they were staring into soul, it felt like those eyes were sucking the soul of him, leaving only an empty shell of his human body.

It scared him, but at the same time, he felt bad, for feeling that way, knowing children weren't responsible for the way they were born.

"..hey, you okay?" Tommy questioned, and Nathan looked at him, nodding his head,

"Yeah, uh, do you know who that kid is?"Nathan questioned, gesturing towards the teen, who was now being talked to by some chubby kid, and some scrawny kid with glasses.

The teen didn't seem interested in whatever they were chatting about, but it looked like he was listening, but he wasn't, and Nathan caught that.

"Hm, I have no idea." Tommy replied,

"That's Tate Mason's," Cindy spoke as she walked closer to them, "same age as ziggy,"

"Guess his mom decided to have him socialize. Ziggy told me that Tate's a loner, and he has zero friends, but he's smart, like he's passing all his classes with straight A's." Cindy told them,

Nathan looks down at his chart and grins, "Look like I got him," he frowns, "and nothing but his name and age. Guess his mom didn't bother writing anything about him like his allergies and stuff."

"His mom's a drug addict, I'm pretty sure she doesn't really care, Tate's a sweet kid, I think," Cindy replied, "I greeted him a few times, and he greeted back, well I think he did." She shrugging

"He lives by you?" Nathan asked, wanting to know more about Tate.

Cindy shook her head. "No, he just walks by my street, but he lives further down Shadyside, like in the way nastier parts of town."

"I didn't know Shadyside could get more nasty." Tommy spoke, and Cindy chuckles,

"Trust me, it can."

Nathan turns back to Tate, but Tate is gone. He glanced around for him, but there was no sign of him.

Nathan sighs, his first time being a counselor, and he has already lost a camper.

"..you always serve hammed cheese sandwiches?" Startled, the three counselors turned around and saw Tate sitting on the stairs, his emotionless expression staring at them while a cooked cheese hammed sandwich in his hand, tearing the crust apart from the soft bread.

"..on Wednesdays for breakfast." Nathan replied with a smile, glad that he didn't lose Tate, but slightly freaked out that Tate managed to walk by them without being noticed.

Tate stared at them, "Why not every day?"

"The kids get bored of it." Cindy spoke, and she awkwardly smiled as Tate's dull eyes met hers as he slowly ripped half his sandwich, eating it.

Tommy cleared his throat, smiling widely, "Well, I'm glad you enjoy the sandwich. You can always ask for them if you want, anytime it's fine, and any day too. As long as you eat, we are happy."

Tommy didn't seem phase by Tate's dull eyes. He just seemed like an eager golden retriever meeting new friends.

"So are you ready.."

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