6. am i crazy?

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Hannah was at a loss. After the saviours had rolled out, certainly taking more than half their shit with them, it seemed like nobody knew what to do with themselves.

Hannah stood at Rick's side as the final vehicle left their sight, her gaze moving to Spencer as he shut the door of the car he and Rosita had just got back in.

A scowl took over her features. The shit they'd found under his floorboards was disgusting. Keeping all that for himself?

" Spencer," She called his name, lips curling in disgust. He approached slowly. " We found the shit in your house. Took everything, including the guns. They were gonna kill Olivia for them."

" You went into my house?" He questioned. Hannah's jaw dropped in disbelief, and she scoffed, feeling her already-short temper rising.

" That's all you fucking care about?" Spencer looked taken aback, moving back slightly. " The guns? I get it. But the food, and the whiskey? You're royally fucking stupid."

Hannah knew Rick was still a few feet away, watching carefully. He hadn't stepped in because he knew that she had it handled.

" You're a nasty little man, Spencer. You always have been. You got fucking lucky with this place," She moved her arms around, gesturing to the space around them, before pointing between her and Rick. " And you know that you got fucking lucky with us."

With that last sentence, she began to walk away slowly, Rick a few feet away, walking in the same direction.

" We should've made a deal with them when we could've." Hannah scoffed to herself when Spencer spoke. Only talking while she was walking away? Was he really scared of a 17 year old?

" Oh, yeah, we're so lucky," He began to exaggerate. " You've led us all to the promised land! Isn't that right, Hannah? Here we are!"

" I guess Glenn and Abraham were lucky too?"

Hannah slowed to a stop, poking her tongue on the inside of her cheek, her fists clenching and unclenching.

After a few seconds, she whipped around, storming towards the man and shoving him to the ground, moving to grip his collar.

She just held him there for a moment, hearing Rick's footsteps approach, before landing a hard punch right on his nose with her knuckles, the appendages throbbing in pain afterwards.

He let out a noise of pain afterwards, hand reaching up to swipe through the blood now dripping down his face.

" If you ever, and I mean ever, dare to say anything like that again to me," She paused in between her words, heaving. " I'll do a lot worse. Break your jaw, knock your teeth out. Understood?"

He nodded slowly, and she smacked him across the face one more time before pushing him down to the concrete, rushing away with a stormy look on her face, ignoring Rick's shocked and slightly nervous expression as she passed him.


Unfortunately, all their beds were gone. They'd live, Hannah had slept in some pretty rough places, she'd even curled up on just a bed frame, once. Pretty comfy, actually.

So, she'd laid some blankets on the floor beside Judith's crib, sitting down on them and playing a game of peek-a-boo with the tot.

She can safely say she was a little bit happier as she played with her, but, when Judith decided it was time for a nap, and Hannah was left to entertain herself, an overwhelming feeling of guilt washed over her.

The teen had no reason to feel guilty. She was allowed to feel happy, to experience joy. Yet, whenever it happened, there was a nagging in the back of her head, berating her, bringing her down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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