08 - fuckin' shit. 🔞

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ship: dabi/touya todoroki + tomura shigaraki/tenko shimura.

Dabi wanted to do his boss, badly.

God, the way that little cunt walked around like he owned the world. The way his chapped lips curled around the straw of those sodas he drank and how he violently raged while playing games, and how he fought with Dabi, that all drew Dabi in more. He didn't deserve to have these stupid and idiotic feelings for him.

He really didn't. 

However, that didn't fucking stop him from doing whatever he could to be around Tomura. Shigaraki  was hot to say the least. He had neck length messy dull blue hair and pale skin with wide, chaotic red eyes. He was covered in scars, just like Dabi and had the crustiest lips Dabi had ever seen, but that didn't stop him from imagining them around his pierced dick. He had a slim and weak body, a really fucking great but bony ass, nice thighs, a screwed up neck and a shit attitude. He was also a huge bottom. Dabi could tell from the way he occasionally pulled Tomura's hair and got a lewd whimper in response before getting cussed out by his now red faced boss. It fuckin' turned him on. He wanted to pull his hair harder and to manhandle him, to burn little parts his body and to slam into that tight ass of his. 

He wanted to make Tomura scream. No, he needed to make him scream.

One day, he was wrestling with Tomura on his bed and things got a bit more heated than he expected them to.

He was squirming against Tomura, holding the other man's favourite game right out of his reach. "Ugh, mop-head. Get off, you're not getting the game back, crackhead." Dabi sneered. Tomura let out a growl and shifted against him, trying to grab the game. "Hand it over, idiot." he hissed. Dabi moved his knee between Tomura's legs and pressed it up. He didn't get a shout of pain in response. No, not at all. He got a soft, vulnerable sound that instantly made heat shoot down to his groin. He felt Tomura begin to squirm away in embarrassment and hatred but Dabi grabbed him by his hair and forced him back into his position. He tossed the game to the ground. "Make that sound again. Please." the black haired man pleaded through short breaths. "Shut the fuck up and let me go." Tomura muttered back harshly. His face was red, which was honestly adorable.. "I'm gonna kill y-fuck!" Dabi's knee had found its way back to Tomura's crotch. Now, it rubbed against him slowly with a light amount of pressure. Tomura arched his back slightly and let out a pleasured breath. 

"D-Dabi, you can't I'm your boss. You've g-got to stop this..." he stuttered. Dabi applied more pressure with a small sadistic smirk. "What you are is fucking cute." he replied. Tomura shuddered and let out a raspy moan. "N-No..." Dabi could tell that Tomura was getting hard and quick. God, Dabi couldn't help but get heated too. Tomura's reactions were heavenly. "Tomura. Do you really hate this?" he teased. Dabi cupped the man's ass with his scarred hands and squeezed down. Tomura jolted slightly. "I hate you..." he breathed out with half lidded eyes. Dabi slapped his clothed ass roughly and watched him squirm in response. "Shit, Dabi!" Tomura whined.

Dabi pushed Tomura back on his bed and moved on top of him. He grabbed his wrists with one hand and captured the small man's lips with his own. He began to kiss Tomura roughly. He ran his tongue over Tomura's bottom lip before diving it into Tomura's mouth. He began to explore the man's mouth, feeling over his ridges and his wet muscle. Tomura whimpered out weakly against his tongue. Dabi rutted his hips against the blue haired man. Tomura pressed back up eagerly. He pulled out of the kiss. A small string of saliva connected their lips before Dabi pulled back more, breaking it. He looked down at Tomura. "Hey boss. Do you still want this?" he cooed out. Tomura shivered and gave a small nod. "Shut up and just touch me," Shigaraki muttered.

Dabi grinned to himself. This was going to be fun.

He took off Tomura's clothes off quickly, then admired Tomura's body. He had little perky nipples, a slightly smaller than average dick and a little cute round hole. Tomura covered himself up slightly in embarrassment. "Stop looking at me, idiot." Dabi hummed lowly. "I can do whatever I like, boss." He grabbed some lube from the bedside table and squirted it onto the man's dick and entrance. He noticed Tomura wince from the cold liquid and felt a smirk curl up on his scarred face. "You're so adorable." he said roughly. He wrapped his hand around Tomura's dick and began to pump at it. He watched Tomura become undone, squeaking out Dabi's name in strangled moans. He began to leak already. "You never get yourself off, do you?" Dabi teased. Tomura looked up at him with a soft noise and half lidded eyes. "Fuck you."

"Bad boy, Tomura. So cruel. I'm getting you off and you'd swear at me?" Dabi said in a mock offended tone. Tomura glared at him before arching his back and letting out a choked out moan. Dabi began to jack him off faster. "Maybe I should punish you. Wreck you with my cock." he cooed. Tomura choked, his dick twitched in Dabi's hand in response to that. Dabi licked his lips and moved a hand down to the man's plump ass. He pressed a finger into his slicked up hole slowly. His entrance was tight and restricting. Dabi let out a low hum. "Boss, you should loosen up," he said in a stern tone. Tomura whimpered. "I- Dabi, take a bit longer. I haven't been with anyone before. Don't fucking tell anyone, fuckass," Tomura hissed out. He wasn't as intimating, since his voice was laced with lewdness and desperation. The way his ruby red eyes met Dabi's icy eyes... Jesus. Dabi pushed his finger in farther. "Close," Tomura breathed out above him. Dabi licked his lips and moved between his legs. He took his hand off of the male's cock and moved to grip his thigh instead while working him open with his finger. Suddenly, wet warmth engulfed Tomura's cock. Dabi's mouth... Dabi began to suck at his dick, licking his length and bobbing his head slightly. Tomura cried out and came into Dabi's mouth, gripping at his fluffy, chaotic black hair while bucking his hips on instinct. Tomura's taste was bitter and salty. Dabi gagged slightly but pulled back. He tilted his head back, his icy eyes trailing over Tomura's naked body. 

God, it was a fucking celestial feeling to be standing clothed over a naked body that he made squirm. Dabi swallowed Tomura's salty liquids and licked his lips. "Good boy." He earned a whimper and heavy panting from a sweaty, pink Tomura.

He pushed a second finger into Tomura. Tomura had been recovering from his orgasm before this, still incredibly sensitive. So, the loud gasp that came from the heated blue haired man as soon as this happened made sense. He began to thrust and scissor his fingers. Then, Dabi curled them. He hit a sensitive spot inside of Tomura and he cried out. God, Dabi just wanted to fuck him. Screw waiting anymore. Dabi was fully clothed and hard, straining against his pants. He pulled his fingers out of Tomura and covered his entrance in more lube before moving to undress himself. He noticed Tomura eyeing him as he did so. "Hurry up, idiot." Dabi grinned. "Sure thing, snowflake."

"Shut the fuck up."

So Dabi did. Instead of talking, he grabbed Tomura's scared thighs and spread them. He leaned down and pressed his chest against the other man's, then buried his face into his neck. He slammed into his ass. Tomura arched his back and cried out instantly. "DABI!" he yelped. Dabi began to assault the man's ass, fucking into him at an animalistic pace. Tomura restricted and throbbed against his pierced dick. God, Tomura felt great. So hot and tight around him... "Such a- god... fucking good boy, Tomura," he growled out. Dabi bit into his neck roughly. With every thrust he earned a mewl of overstimulated pleasure from Tomura. He grunted and groaned quietly. He wanted to keep quiet so he could hear Tomura, after all. Tomura came again in an overstimulated haze. He screamed out loudly so every single person in the old rotten bar could hear him. Dabi grinned in pride. He began to fuck into him deeper, reaching new depths inside of his new little fucktoy. He was getting close too, since Tomura was so tight against him. He began to leave dark marks against the man's pale skin, marking him as his own. He eventually reached his orgasm and filled Tomura with cum with a sharp grunt.

"Holy fuckin' shit, Tomura."

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