CHAPTER 18 Arrival

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A light emanated from within the forest. The light was as bright as the rising sun. Through the trees, a group emerged like the wind. Crossing into the new world, battered from the devastation of their world. Progress had taken their homes and lurched them into a new world. Morgan collapsed as she reached the other side. Her brother was the last thing she saw as she crossed the bridge. He was lying on a bed of flames, consuming what was left of his life. All she loved had gone with his death. Her grief would consume her. Morgan's past wasn't full of happy memories. Even her son left her full of anger and pain. "Carry her from here. She needs to rest. We'll set up a camp here till morning. Then we can see where we are and start over," the goddess announced to everyone. It wasn't wise to explore their new home in the dead of night. Many of the young priestesses began to set up tents. There was an unspoken order to Avalon. Every priestess knew her duties. A few began to unpack their supplies. While others worked together cutting firewood. There was a harmony to their every motion. In the chaos, tents went up like blooming flowers. A delicate ballet of movement flowed around the goddess, preparing for the night ahead of them. They were in a new world full of opportunity. The goddess looked to the sky. As unfamiliar as it looked, she felt at home. The energy around her gave her strength. Here they'd build their new home. Rekindle the old ways and live in harmony with their new surroundings. The earth would supply them with everything they needed. This time local politics wasn't their concern. They were destroyed by pride before. The goddess knew what their future held and welcomed it. The goddess learned from her pride. A weakness she'd leave behind on earth. She could see the anguish on her subjects. Most left everyone they knew behind for their beliefs. Her children were young and full of promise. Verenda had clung to her side through her lessons. The goddess could see her working feverishly to keep up with the older children, doing her best to help. She was only five but had the determination of a twenty-year-old. Verenda's destiny would bring her to her full potential. She'd blossom as Morgan had. The tragedy in her life could have destroyed her. Instead of falling to her knees, she had risen above it, embracing her future alone. In the morning the goddess would take a scouting party to look for shelter. She could easily design one in her mind. Materializing their new home out of the energy in the forest. Only to bring unwanted attention to their new home. Her decision to remain low-key in their new home would prove invaluable. For now they'd sleep. The journey across the Bridge of Life could take years off the most experienced goddess. She protected the young one through the bridge. This passing had shortened the goddess's life entirely. She had only a few years left. Just enough to establish them in their new home. Morgan would need to take her place when the time came. The goddess was concerned about how long they'd be able to remain aloof in their new surroundings. She could feel a great evil in their new home. The evil felt young and angry. In their new home, something had happened that she could feel. While they were crossing the Bridge of Life, Zanar was destroying the gods of Jarren. Her evil grew inside her. The goddess knew if she could feel this overwhelming evil, the source of the evil would most likely be able to feel her presence as well. Zanar could feel a presence on Jarren. She was not sure what to make of it. Her energy consumed her. Engulfing everything around her. She commanded strength from those that remained. Her eyes glowed with hate. Her rage left no one she cared for alive. Lisa was here but not lively. The lightning left her disconnected. Empathetic to her situation. Existing but not living. She'd turned Lisa into her servant. Her desire to have her daughter by her side destroyed Lisa, leaving a shell of her former self. Queen Kelva has retained her spirit, remaining defiant. Every command Zanar gave, she refused. Only to bring Kelva pain. "Kelva, why must you bring my wrath on you. I want you to be happy in your new home and position. Queen of the dark side. What a harmony that has to it," Zanar conveyed as she scorched Kelva with energy. "You've killed everyone I love and destroyed my kingdom. Why would I want what you offer?" she cried in pain. "It's your only choice. You have to repay me. If it weren't for the switch at the weddings, you wouldn't be here now. Your family would be alive. Don't you understand? Lisa does. Look at her, she's returned to me as I've always wanted her. You need to consider your options. Pain or compliance," she said as she stopped. Kelva lay on the floor gasping for air. Zanar was aware of how close she came to killing her. She needed Kelva alive in order to show Shawn what he deserved for his defiance. In centuries no one had said no to her. Shawn was the first to defy her, driving a wedge in her armor. Allowing her subjects to see her weakness. Within months her glory was taken from her by one lovestruck boy prince. He needed pain for his willfulness. As her world was shattered, so would his. Her desire to destroy everyone involved brought her here. Zanar's pride compelled her forward. As King Shawn entered the castle, the guards rushed him. They surrounded him. "Who are you? How did you get past the gate?" they demanded. Shawn laughed inside. After everything that had happened to him, this was mild. "Don't you recognize your king?" he said. "The king is not due to arrive until morning," a guard declared. "I'm early. Send for Lord Yardingly, he'll tell you who I am!" Shawn shouted. The guards rushed off, holding him at bay. Davina could dispatch them instantly. Shawn was enjoying this little quandary. The guards were only gone for a few minutes. They returned running and shouting, "He's the king! He's the king! Stand down! Your Majesty, I'm sorry we didn't know. Please forgive me," the captain asked. Shawn considered how they would protect him and realized they were very good at their job. "If you can protect me as you do my empty castle, then all is forgiven," he announced. The guards escorted him to Lord Yardingly. "Shawn!" he said, running to him. "Sir, you would be wise not to address the king so informal," the guard prompted. "Know your place, guard. Wait by the door," Shawn commanded angrily. "It's good to see you, John. How's Thomas? I received your letter just in time. In moments she took over Vanesly. I watched as we left the ground," he relayed. "Shawn, Thomas is destroyed by her death," John suggested. "When I see him, he'll be glad to know she's not dead. When she emerged from the mists, Lisa stood by her side alive. She was in a trance but alive. Zanar will stop at nothing. She even has Kelva," Shawn sobbed. John could understand his grief. Feeling noble in his lust for love, he was determined to get her back. "I will be with her again, John," he cried. "Shawn, get some rest. These are your chambers. I'll show Davina and Christian to their rooms. When you wake in the morning, we can discuss everything in detail," John said, as Shawn lay down. As Shawn lay down, he was asleep. Since his wedding, he had not gotten more rest. As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't get the vision of Kelva off his mind. She was still wearing her wedding gown. In all its glory. He could remember the moments they stole at their reception. Touching her soft skin with his lips. They escaped to the cook's chamber just off the kitchen. Kelva was worried. "Shawn, do you think anyone will miss us? What if they come looking for us?" she asked. She was so adorable. "My love, no one is going to come looking for us. I left word with my father. He knows not to disturb us. I told him we were walking in the garden. So even if they come looking for us, they'll look in the garden," he said. Kelva took a deep breath. She was calm again. The day had been a whirlwind of emotions. As she let out her deep breath, he kissed her, causing her to sigh. He kissed her deeper, engulfing her in his passion. He wanted to feel like this since he first met her. When they were children, he didn't know how to express it then, but he always knew. He pulled her closer as he kissed her. She merged with him. As they embraced, it appeared to be one person. They were becoming one heart and soul. He lifted her off the ground, placing her on the bed. As he lowered her on the bed, their embrace broke, and she looked at him with so much desire. His heart leaped into his throat. Here was the woman he loved filled with desire for his touch. He leaned in and kissed her again. Reaching his hand inside her dress, caressing her soft skin. They lay together in harmony. A symphony of desire played in rhythm with their passion. Each touch unleashing their desire for the other. They lay closer than ever, becoming one. Married in spirit and flesh. As they lay in each other's arms, smiling as if they first tasted sugar. Their love had grown with each touch releasing them. As Shawn dreamed of Kelva, he was ripped from the moment with visions of her now sleeping in their room in Vanesly. She was sobbing in her sleep, bringing him out of his sleep. He realized then what should be a wonderful moment. He didn't notice it before. It had been months since they were married. As she lay sobbing, Kelva held her belly. She was pregnant and without him. Shawn was heartbroken and overjoyed. His prodigy lay in the hands of Zanar. Now she had more leverage in her hands. She held his wife and child in her hands. Shawn's anger should keep him awake, but his body hadn't rested in months. He slowly returned to sleep. "What do you think, Lisa, should I have shown him so soon?" Zanar asked. Lisa didn't answer. Even if she did, Zanar would have ignored her response. Lisa was trapped in her mind. Her pain over her husband had killed her spirit. When the lightning bolt struck her, Zanar planted a vision in her mind. She thought Thomas and her son were dead. Zanar couldn't turn her without anguish. If she knew they were alive, she'd kill her mother. Lisa's love for them would be enough to give her the strength to destroy Zanar. Love was more powerful than hate, and Zanar knew it. Her obsession to ruin all those who betrayed her had more meaning this way. Far on the edge of the Kingdom of the Sky, Steven searched for his mother's body. He could feel her pain from Vanesly. He returned only to stop the energy ball in time. He teleported his mother away. His emotions overwhelmed his control. He'd been searching for months for her. He knew he was getting closer. He could feel her love. Other gods escaped without injury. They must be helping her. Tarina's strength had been getting stronger since he saved her. His father was already dead when he arrived. Zanar believed she held Tarina as she passed. Steven had been able to create illusions since he was very little. So creating his mother's image was easy for him. Zanar begged for forgiveness from an illusion. So like Zanar begging from thin air. She wasn't capable of forgiveness. As Steven climbed the jagged remains of paradise, he could sense his mother was very near. "Mother!" he cried. "Where are you?" He sobbed. "Steven, I'm here," he heard. As he did, he glimpsed a vision of where she was. He climbed faster, cresting a ridge. As he did, he could see a small camp. He started running for it. "Mother! Mother!" he screamed. Running for salvation. Everyone in the camp stared at him. Many of the gods there were afraid of him. Seeing him run for his mother crying humanized him. Revealing his true nature. His anger was absorbed from Zanar. She radiated anger, and Steven absorbed it. He ran until he reached the tent where she was. As he walked in, light emanated from him. Steven glowed with love. He crossed the tent and hugged his mother, energizing her with his caress. "Steven, I thought you were lost to Zanar," she said. "No, Mother, she can never take you from me. My place is at your side. I've learned what love is, Mother. My anger was Zanar's. She's sad, Mother. I couldn't help her. I tried to take her anger away, but there's too much," he said. "Steven, is that why you were angry?" she asked. "I think so. When I was away from her, the pain in my heart went away," he said as he started crying. Tarina hugged her son. She was glad he was alive and well. "Mother, there's a presence in Jarren. I felt it days ago. She can help us," he said. Tarina looked at him curiously. "I've felt no presence." "It's faint, Mother, she's blocking it. I don't know her name yet, but she's powerful. I need to take you to her. She'll be our salvation. She can help us return Jarren to glory," he said. "Steven, we can't return it to what it was. We can only learn and grow. The Jarren of the past will never return. Too much has happened for that. All we can do is start over and be wise about our choices," she said. "Maybe not exactly the same, but they can help us," he said. There was no changing his mind. Tarina fell asleep knowing her son would take her to this presence. He was able to find her. She knew his powers were growing and knew she wouldn't be able to stop him. He let his mother sleep. He kept a vigil over his mother. The other gods heard what he told his mother and began to pack up their camps. Tarina was still the queen of the gods, and they needed to follow her to maintain order. Some followed her out of fear and others out of loyalty. The council voted her into power. The council was gone now, but they were the wisest of all the gods. Their decisions weren't made lightly. The goddess of Avalon would soon receive unexpected guests in their new home. Prince Colby was up late. His father wouldn't be pleased. His coronation as prince was in the morning, but like most young boys, he was defiant. He didn't understand why he had to be coronated. He just wanted to play with his toys. No matter how many times his nurse put him back to bed, he got back up. "Maybe you will sleep through your coronation, Prince," she said as she put him in bed again. This time she stayed by the bed. Allowing him one horse in with him. He was very angry with her, but soon he was asleep. "That's a good prince," she said, kissing him on the forehead. She was not about to leave his side in case he woke up again, "How did he sleep?" King Forton asked the nurse. She was startled awake. "Sire, I'm afraid he was up half the night. He doesn't want to be coronated. He was trying to make himself sick so you wouldn't make him go," she replied. "He's just like me. I didn't want to do it either. Have him ready in an hour," he commanded and left the room. He headed for the courtroom. Today was very important. He needed to declare his heir. His queen had two other sons from her dead husband. Neither child was fit to be king. His council demanded he choose an heir and make it public. His son's coronation would proclaim his heir to his kingdom. Morgan took Verenda to the Kingdom of Forton for supplies. The Bridge of Life left them in the forest outside Forton. It had only been a few days since they arrived. The supplies they brought were meager. The goddess sent Morgan to see what was available in the village. They had no idea what the currency was here. The goddess was hopeful that they had enough precious metals and jewels to bargain for supplies. Verenda was a curious child. On earth, she often wandered away. Today wouldn't be any different. Soon after they arrived, Verenda disappeared. Before when she wandered away, she would be able to find her way home. Morgan was frantic when she realized Verenda was missing. She returned to a few of the shops they were at. "Have you seen my daughter? She's wandered off," she asked. Finally, at the last shop, the merchant remembered seeing her. "Ah, yes, she went with a group heading for the castle. Today's the prince's coronation. I don't think she meant to. The guards were hurrying the guests along. She might have gotten swept up in the crowd," he said. The merchant showed her how to get to the castle. The last thing they needed was to draw attention. Morgan hurried to the castle, hoping to find her before Verenda got inside. Her flaxen red hair seemed to be rare on this planet. It was sure to attract some attention. Verenda had found herself a guest at the coronation. She was sitting at the king's table. There were so many guests at the coronation no one would notice one more child. At least she hoped they wouldn't notice. As the prince entered the room, he was adorned in his silken robes. Verenda was mesmerized by the spectacle. An advisor said a few words, and the king placed a crown on the boy, declaring him Prince of Forton. She didn't notice at first, but the prince was staring at her. Moments after the prince sat at the table, he whispered something at his father, and two guards came over to her. "The prince would like you to sit next to him," they commanded. They walked her to the head of the table and seated her next to the prince. He liked her hair and wanted her to sit next to him. He'd never seen such red hair before. They sat in silence. Moments after, a guard approached the king. "Child, what is your name?" he asked. "My name is Verenda," she replied. Everyone at the table was shocked at her behavior in how she addressed the king. It was unheard of to address the king so informally. The king laughed and asked, "Did you lose your way? There's a woman asking for you." Her face went blank when she realized what she'd done. "Morgan. Oh, I need to go." She was scared. "It's all right. I told her I would have a carriage take you home. She said you can stay for the banquet," the king stated. He didn't know it, but his son was enjoying her company. The king would send word to Morgan that her presence was welcome and handsomely paid her for her company. The gold would help them get the supplies they needed. For once Verenda's wandering had been helpful. A few moments after Morgan inquired, a guard returned to her. "They request the child stay. The prince is enjoying her company. He'll return her to you when the banquet is completed," the guard said, handing her a huge bag of gold. "What is this?" she asked. "The king understands your time is valuable and would like to compensate you for your child's participation in the banquet. The prince is hard to entertain, and your child seems to calm him. Please accept his tokens. She'll be well cared for. Where should we bring her?" he asked. Morgan was concerned but understood kings well. "We are to the south of the village. I will wait by the road for you to return her," she replied. "I will send word when we shall arrive with her," the guard announced. He ushered her out. As Steven neared the encampment, he could sense her. "Can you hear me?" he asked. Steven was speaking to her mind. "I'll meet you on the edge of the forest," the goddess replied. Before Steven could move, the goddess was in front of him. "You are closer than I thought. Why are you here? We are trying to live in peace," she commanded. Steven didn't care what they were trying to do. "My dear lady, I felt you pass. If you'd had permission, you could have passed easier," he said as he touched her hand. When he did, her years returned to her. She jerked her hand back. "Who are you?" she asked, looking shocked. She'd never met anyone who could restore life. "I'm Steven, god of love and life. This is my mother, Tarina, goddess of love and life. We've come to you for help," he asked. This was what the goddess was trying to avoid. "I'm sorry, we can't," she said. "I know your past. and you know your destiny," he demanded. The goddess knew what he meant. She saw her future when she crossed the bridge. "Then you know what we must do," she replied. "Then do it!" he demanded. She wasn't used to such treatment. "Tarina, do you agree?" she asked. "I know my future here will save Jarren, and it's the only way," Tarina replied. "Then it is so. Tarina, as you join our kind, all you were is gone, all vengeance is removed, and you become a vessel for the laws of Avalon. Taking a vow of solace in your sisters and the harmony of the ground. As well as the creatures that grow with the land. Protecting all its splendor from desolation. I name you Tarina, priestess of Avalon. Do you accept our affection and sisterhood?" the goddess proclaimed. "I do," Tarina replied. "Then it is done. Sisters, this is Tarina, our new sister of Avalon. Welcome her and her family," she said as they entered the encampment. They had bonded the old and new. No longer would Avalon be apart from the politics in this world. It was their destiny to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. On Jarren, the old ways were cherished. Avalon was welcomed with open arms. 

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