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I'm ALMOST done with the update but till then have this whatever it is I wrote almost 3 years ago.

TW: Sadism • Masochism • Degrading • MlM • Billy x Stu while Fantisizing about You • Male Giving Another Male Oral • Frotting • Talk of Murder and Blood and Dark Depravity • Dom!Billy and Brat!Sub!Stu

Gif is what Billy looks like in Sequels Suck and this smut and Stu is Matthew's role in Senseless.

Timeline: In Between Set Up and Sequels Suck


'That's bullshit, you spared her as well...Stu's all you got now, buddy. Get used to it.' Billy thought to himself. He scoffed at his inner self not letting him play the victim in this.

 "....Whatever." He mumbled as he left. Locking the door and shoving a chair in front of the handle. He dragged himself to the bathroom, more tired than what he wanted to admit. More in pain than what he wanted to admit too. Wincing with each step now that his adrenaline was calming down.

He still was going to sleep in his shoes, just in case…If he slept at all.

 In less than 12 hrs he had: Fought for his life while trying to kill everyone else, escaped a burning house and dragged a deadweight bleeding Stu through the woods to his camaro, hauled ass to the hospital, anxiously waited while Stu got emergency surgery, got himself stitched up while praying no nurses recognized him, killed  and stole the badge of an RN while creeping through the halls past cops to get to Stu, stole medication from the nurses station using the badge and after hours when the halls were relatively empty he dragged a groggy half out of it Stu to his camaro in the parking lot. He then raced against the clock to sneak into his house for clothes then drove 3 hours straight to this old hunting cabin Stu's folks owned but never used… It had been the longest 12 hrs of his life and he knew he was in over his head. He'd pull teeth before admitting it but the fact he was just an 18 year old kid trying to pull all this off really set in when he was sneaking around the hospital littered with cops. 

He leaned over the sink, turning the water on to splash some on his face. A bit of dried blood washed down the drain. He looked in the mirror. Scraps, cuts, and bruises all over him. He rolled his lips and looked away. Out of everything that happened, what he saw when he came back home screwed him up the most, or at least, was the final straw.
He snuck into his room tonight to collect clothes, a toothbrush, money...Whatever he could find. However, he paused searching when he heard a faint noise and crept into the hallway to check it out. To his shock, it was his Dad...And he was crying. Hank Loomis never cried. He conditioned Billy to not cry even as a child. So imagine Billy's world being rocked seeing his old man sobbing at the table from hearing the news. He was mumbling apologies throughout the sobs about how he failed his son. Billy clenched his trembling fist, his chest tight and teeth clenched. NOW he wanted to apologize! He didn't apologize for anything including cheating on his mom. To hear his Dad crying for the first time made him uncomfortable, it made him unsure, it made him agitated. Worst of all was he would never be able to tell him. They didn't think tonight would be goodbye. They truly felt the plan was fool proof and he didn't consider never seeing his Dad again...Or his Mom if she ever came back. They both thought he was dead.

Billy looked back up at the mirror to see his dark eyes glistening. He had everything of his Dad but his Mom's nose and her eyes. They had identical dark brown eyes. Seeing himself crying was like seeing her crying.

He twisted his face in anger and slammed his fist against the sink, wincing as it hurt his own hand more than the porcelain. He hissed and rubbed his hand before feeling pain in his side, the swing pulling at stitches. He lifted his shirt to see the bandages wrapping around his shoulder, side and chest. He swallowed and looked away. Shutting off the sink and running a hand through his hair as he felt a stray tear on his cheek. It pissed him off to cry but he could only hold it in so long.

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